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Former scientologist, insightful writings.

The Golden Age of Entheta

«We've crossed a watershed. Any attempted retribution by Scientology against institutional critics (The cult still maintains significant capacity to make an example of individual critics) backfires to the extent that it entails extra-legal tactics and in consequence, prompts further investigation with more prolonged and ugly public exposure of its criminal disposition. Scientology no longer reliably enforces silence and secrecy as a broad strategy of concealment with regard to its intentions and activities and as a weapon against would-be adversaries. The costs of criminal containment have come to outweigh any benefits. The vagaries of the real world attained sufficient critical mass to finally overcame the purportedly impregnable Hubbard doctrine of "Always attack!! Never defend!" Scientology currently finds itself pinned down in a tiny corner of the room into which it spent so many years diligently painting itself. Its founder refused to consider the possibility of setbacks to his agenda and failed to develop more flexible approaches to adversity. His successor lacked even this iota of imagination. So goes the dwindling spiral of Scientology.»

Scientology driving for its final collapse

«The Scientology cult has been gradually painting itself into a corner since the billowing of Hubbard's paranoia and advent of heavy ethics during the 1960's. Since then, it's never been a contestable issue whether the cult's growth rate would initially stall and soon thereafter contract. Scientology is a contradiction. By disavowing the past, relegating it to a scrapheap, it manages no learning curve and cannot forge a coherent future. This could not be any plainer; anyone following the cult's activities recognizes that management policies are not founded upon the sort of considerations that would allow it any future. It exists strictly in the now.  And it magically believes that this now can continue indefinitely. The only reason it has managed to stretch this illusion so far is through bullying, intimidation and the fear capital generated through a well-earned reputation for ruthlessness.»

The public exploitation of one's life entails a sacrifice of the private self

«With the loss of the private self, either through commitment to Scientology or more indirectly by virtue of the vicissitudes of constant public attention, comes the collapse of intimacy, the inability to feel emotions "privately" in a grounded and spontaneous fashion, to have a surefooted sense of what is real and thereby true. This loss in turn undermines the feeling of "ontological" security that accompanies any sense of making clear distinctions between "what is mine" and "what is not-mine" or "who I am" and "who I am not."»

Spiegel Interviews Cruise and Spielberg about Scientology

«Hatred distorts, and in so doing occludes reality. When Cruise reduces criticism to intolerance, he inadvertently admits his failure of faith in the real. This urge to take flight from reality is probably the greatest source of intolerance and evil in human affairs. The oftentimes jarring discomfort afforded by criticism remains our only protection against such evil.»

Scientology: The View from the Stall

«This episode represented for me but one straw in a succession that eventually broke the horse's back. I distinctly recall that it suggested the extent to which Scientology was prepared to tell anybody anything in order to extract whatever it was that Scientology wanted to extract from any particular someone for whatever reason. Scientology had gone on the record as assuring this unfortunate individual that in the next lifetime he could "live in a body of his own choosing." Such transparencies had nothing to do with the entire doctrinal motif of reincarnation with which I had earlier become acquainted while casually encountering it in Eastern philosophy. Scientology cynically twisted a venerable tradition into a manipulative ploy.»

Interpreting Scientology: A Short and Incomplete Essay

«SCIENTOLOGY in fact discourages a members efforts on his or her own behalf towards greater self-awareness. For an excess of awareness might prompt one to leave. Nor has it any interest of the welfare of its individual membership. Rather, only organizational goals matter in stark contrast to its public dissemination. SCIENTOLOGY's method of attracting newcomers entails a classic "bait and switch" scenario. It promises prospective members freedom and expansion. Once inside they discover constriction and slavery. One experiences a harshly conditioning atmosphere comprised of coercion, extortion and exploitation. And this treatment is "for your own good." Those offering positive testimonial to the virtues of its confessional counseling methods ("auditing") and administrative procedures do so under command and severe duress. SCIENTOLOGY maintains a rigorous system of administrative controls ("ethics"). In addition to peer pressures to conform, an omnipresent "ethics" scrutinizes the behavior of its membership very closely and ruthlessly deals with instances of complaining, nonconformity or poor production ("statistics").»

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