Scientology Critical Information Directory

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Mike Krotz

Long time critic.

Florida politicians, government officials & Scientology

The organization known as Scientology is well known for making unsubstantiated claims of success with their many programs including NarcononCriminon and Applied Scholastics,  which in the end are all simply recruiting fronts for this group.  Florida politicians and officials are now frequently associating with Scientologists and seeming to promote these highly questionable and controversial programs and organizations. 

Former Surgeon General C. Everett Koop, M.D. on a book promoting Narconon procedures:  "My recommendation about detoxification is to keep away from it. You don't need it. I'm not sure it does what this book describes. It's dangerous. I don't think L. Ron Hubbard has credibility in the scientific world. The author's suggestions about detoxification can be detrimental to your health."

As a Florida resident, voter and taxpayer, I strongly object to our politicians and representatives offering funding or even the air of legitimacy to Scientology, its practices, programs or front groups.  These programs have never been independently tested or proven, and are all based on the writings of Scientology founder and science fiction writer, L. Ron Hubbard.  Scientologists often rely on politicians and what they refer to as "opinion leaders" in a community in an attempt to gain credibility and support for their dangerous and unproven programs.  This page is dedicated to exposing and confronting these officials and politicians, as well as serving as an educational tool for them. 

If you find yourself listed on this page, you would be very well served by learning about Scientology and its front groups through the links provided here.  If you are a citizen and outraged at our representative's ignorance of the reality of these recruitment fronts and unproven programs, please write or email them and tell them!

Xenu TV (Sep. 2000): Scientology and the Clearwater Police

[Part skipped]

Mike Krotz: I was grabbed by Dennis Clarke, left a little scratch on my left arm. Two days after that, I was again present this time at the press conference at the Lisa McPherson Trust. There was someone lurking in the parking garage. So I went up there with another person following me, and got up to the third floor, opened the door and who did I see, Dennis Clarke, lurking in the parking garage, and spying on people coming and going there. [...]

Scientology and Private Investigators

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