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Arnaldo Lerma

Former scientologist, member of the Sea Org. Ten years inside.

«I place my personal honor and integrity above any real or imagined threats to my body or its possessions.» [ref] — Arnaldo Lerma
«[Arnaldo Lerma] says Scientology took advantage of him as a boy of 16, luring him into a life of virtual slavery, housing him in cold dormitories with insufficient food. "They prey on the naive with stars in their eyes. I just wanted to save the world."» — "Church in Cyberspace", Washington Post, August 19, 1995.

Exposing the CON home page: The truth about the Fraud called Scientology

«Scientology is like a 19th century seedy carnival side show, whenever someone in the audience would yell out how the trick was done, he would be dragged outside by a couple of toughs stationed there for this purpose, and beaten up. Scientology’s demeanor is identical to this, only in the ‘civil’ 20th century they use lawyers, then the entire sordid affair is cloaked in bogus religiosity.

When direct litigation is rendered no longer possible due to broad awareness, and Judicial wisdom, Scientology operatives generate false reports, based upon Hubbard's doctrines, "make it go right" , "fair game" and "if possible, destroy utterly" they then try to manipulate by ARTIFICE: state, local and Federal law enforcement to do their work for them - silencing critics. That John Travolta and Tom Cruise are entranced by this particular sideshow, should be interpreted as evidence of the mastery of the art of deception, sleight of hand, misdirection of attention, and linguistic trickery used by Hubbard. That Scientology then keeps the tent flaps tied shut, so that the deluded cannot see outside, is just confirmation that it indeed is merely a plot to deceive.»

Washington Post: "Church in Cyberspace" by Marc Fisher

«It was 9:30 and Arnie Lerma was lounging in his living room in Arlington, drinking his Saturday morning coffee, hanging. Suddenly, a knock at the door -- who could it be at this hour? -- and boom, before he could force anything out of his mouth, they were pouring into his house: federal marshals, lawyers, computer technicians, cameramen.

They stayed for three hours last Saturday. They inventoried and confiscated everything Lerma cherished: his computer, every disk in the place, his client list, his phone numbers. And then they left. "I'm one of those guys who keeps everything -- my whole life -- on the computer," Lerma says. "And now they have it all." "They" are lawyers for the Church of Scientology, the controversial group that Lerma once considered his home, his rock, his future. Now they call him a criminal, accusing him of divulging trade secrets and violating copyrights.»

Washington Post: "The Church's War Against Its Critics—and Truth" by Richard Leiby

«The pair wedged a three-page, legal-looking document inside the screen door. It was "Declaration of Arnaldo Pagliarini Lerma," but Lerma hadn't written it and in fact had never seen it before. He left Scientology in 1978, after serving several years as a low-level staffer [see side note]. The document amounted to a confession, with a line left blank for Lerma's signature.
 "I engaged in taking illegal drugs," it read in part, "and eventually left the Church entirely because I could not maintain a high enough ethical standard.....

 "I wish to make it known that I have been involved in trying to denigrate the name of Scientology and some of its leading members......I wish to recant these statements in full...."

Lerma, 44, the son of a Mexican agriculture official who grew up in Washington, felt intimidated. A few hours later, an anonymous fax arrived. "CEASE AND DESIST YOUR ACTIVITY AGAINST THE CHURCH AND WE WILL TAKE NO FURTHER ACTION." the fax stated.

Now Lerma felt outraged. Was this some kind of threat? He contacted his lawyer and the FBI, which took a report. Then he mailed a letter to the Washington Post, enclosing a computer disk labeled "Inside Scientology."

 "Something has to be done," Lerma wrote. "This is Americaisn't it?"»

Important note by Lerma:

«The line that reads 'as a low level staffer' describing my involvement with the cult was placed there based on false statements made by OSA Staffer Sylvia Stanard in Washington DC.
I, in fact, was the financial controller, a member of the 'elite' FBO Network, for what is now Bridge Publications»

The Art of Deception

«The only intrinsic value of Scientology is the vast amount of money that an artfully engineered con game can extract from its targets. Much of this, to the tune of $26 million a year (Note 8) is fed to lawyers to ensure that the public at large will not find these things out until after they have exhausted all their money, ruined their lives, and now, penniless, try to fight a well financed legal machine!»

CNN: "Church of Scientology protects secrets on the Internet"

«He left the church 17 years ago after what he calls a dispute involving his romance with the daughter of church founder L. Ron Hubbard. He's been using his computer to spread copyrighted writings of Hubbard, which he obtained from court records in California. "I run a business. Everything I have is in the computer," Lerma says. "All my financials... it's like an extension of my mind. So I'm essentially out of business."» CNN, August 26, 1995.

Wikipedia: Arnaldo Lerma

"He and Suzette Hubbard, (daughter of L. Ron Hubbard and his third wife, Mary Sue Whipp) planned to marry in Clearwater, Florida in 1978, but the couple's plans were discovered. Arnie Lerma was interrogated by the church and was offered "safe passage out of Florida with all of his body parts" if he called off the marriage to Suzette Hubbard. Arnie Lerma subsequently left Scientology.»

Scientology's Funny Photos

«The 49-year old Lerma, an-ex-Scientologist who has tangled repeatedly with church officials since he quit 23 years ago, and today owns an audio-video and computer business, immediately thought he spotted something fishy. He says the crowd scenes were doctored extensively. In one shot he found repeated images of some attendees---apparently added to fill empty seats. The touch-up work left one doppelganger parishioner with no head. In another shot a bald man who had been replicated magically grew hair.»The Washington Post, Jan. 4, 2000.

Newsday: "The Net: Copyright Or 'Free Press'"

«ARNALDO LERMA believes the Internet newsgroups are like the Liberty Trees of the American Revolution - a place where citizens can post anything of interest. Suffice to say, the Church of Scientology doesn't quite agree.

Earlier this year, Lerma sent sacred religious scriptures from the church out over the Net. Lerma quickly heard back from those who, like himself, are worried about what they say are Scientology's cult-like methods.

"I got 160 pieces of e-mail saying they admired my courage and two pieces of mail from angry Scientologists," recalls Lerma, a 44-year-old audio-video technician in Arlington, Va. But the strongest response came from the Church of Scientology itself. Claiming that all of the material is copyrighted, and thus protected from being reproduced in other formats, the church filed a lawsuit in August against Lerma, convincing a federal judge to authorize a search of his home.»


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