Oh. Well. . .uh. . .when they’re ill. Actually that
would be a matter of personal choice.
Sgt. Teunis:
Okay. But.. .alright, so it’s personal choice. The
Church Of Scientology doesn’t believe that, when you’re ill like that, you can’t watch TV or listen .to music? -
Not that I’m aware of. . .no.
Sgt. Teunis:
Okay. It’s just your understanding that, -on your
side of that, you would not talk in the presence?
Greenwood: Exactly.
Det. Sudler: Umm.. .and I apologize for.. .you know. . ignorance of
the topic or whatever, but is there a term for that? Umm.. . like vow of silence or something or is there a. . . is there a particular procedure or term for that?
No. It’s just a recognition of what happens if you
Det. Sudler:
Okay. -
- To the mind.
Det. Sudler:
Now, is that taught to you in. . .in courses or...?
Umm.. .actually we are just told that. And then when
you do auditing yourself, you become very much aware
of the effects of someone talking to someone that’s
ill because you’ve experienced it yourself 

Det. Sudler: Okay. -

And then you -expect.. .you. . .you experience the umm...
you understand why you don’t. So therefore you
don’t. It’s not a matter of don’t do this. -It’s a
matter of you understand why so there.. .then you don’t.
Det. Sudler: So, in further interviews that we may conduct, there’s
nothing specifically, that we can refer to for this
non-communication status? -
No. . .it’s just.. I wouldn’t know what you’re talking
- about. . .yeah.