minutes or so she was gone and I never saw her again after that.
Det. Sudler:
Okay. So at the time of release, it was just
Mr. Kardizinski and yourself?
Uh Huh.
Det. Sudler:
After the doctor established who Kardizinski
was.. .and I don’t even know how.. .what that
conversation was all about.. .Kardizinski left
the actual Emergency Room. And then I stayed the rest of the time with. . .with Lisa. . .and... just waiting until they had all the tests done that they needed to have done. And then the docto’r came in and said that he was releasing her and then told her she shouldn’t run in the street naked. And. . . and he looked at me like “Look, you have to.. . I’m.. . I’m letting her go but you should take care of her”. So he.. .he signed the forms and we signed the forms and
.and then she.. .we walked out together. , And as we walked out, then I saw Kardizinski and there was another gentleman.. .1 don’t know who he was. And I’m not sure if Mr. Slaughter was still out there. But she and I walked out together and I put her in Kardizinski’s car and then I followed over with them. . .with my car.
Det. Sudler: ,
Okay. Urnm...Mr. Slaughter was outside of the
He was when I first got there. . .the very very first
time I arrived. But I don’t know if he was there afterwards.
Det. Sudler:
Okay. Was Benetta with him?
No. I never saw Benetta the ‘whole time, nor did