the flu.. .you know. . .just get a picture in your mind of someone who has. . .you know. . .a fever and is in
this 24 hour bug and they look kinda.. .you know... just drug out and.. .you know. .not good color. . . and they.. .they -just don’t look.. .don’t look very good.
Det. Sudler:
Okay. I take it that Lisa didn’t look very-good.
No. She definitely looked like she had an infection
rolling. - -
Det. Sudler:
Okay. Umrn...
- And very dehydrated at that point.
Det. Sudler: - How did that look?
Umm. . .extra thin.
Det. Sudler:
- You know how some people will take.. .take a water
pill to fit into their clothes or to look thin for
a certain event. It does definitely.. .you know... when you lose water it makes you much thinner.
Det. Sudler:
Is there any way you can tell from that.. .1 mean...
if you were to -examine somebody or look.. . and know that like the skin isn’t... -
Oh yeah.. .yeah. . .you know. . . .it’s. . .it’s.. .you know
.if the skin is loose like a bloodhound, that’s one
indication. . .you know. . .of.. .of dehydration. -
Det. Sudler: Was Lisa like that or do you remember?
I don’t recall specifically but. . .1 mean.. .1 just
- remember looking at her and saying majorly dehydrated. . -
everything really dry. . .you know. . .instead of.. .you
know.. .mucous membranes get real. . .get real dry.
There’s just this kinda...youknow...sunken dehydrated
- --
- -
Det. Sudler: Okay. -How was. .was her.. .her,other appearance or
overall appearance. . .1 mean.. .you know.. .her hair... her makeup? Was she.. .did she look like she had been