Det. Sudler:
Uh Huh.
And things will act as a.. .a hypnotic suggestion.
Det. Sudler:
Okay. -
So that was just something that in many operating
rooms just isn’t done. . .you know~ You don’t chatter
and talk and talk about your golf game yesterday and that kind of stuff. -
Det. Sudler:
Okay. So it’s not like Chicago Hope then or MASH?
Uh Uh.. . well.. . you know. . . not quite like - MASH.
Det. Sudler:
Not quite like MASH.. .okay. . .alright. So how long
would you say the. . .the trip took before you arrived?
It seems like it was about an hour.
Det. Sudler:
I thought it was about 40.. .a 40 minute drive.
Det. Sudler: - Okay.
But the way the lights were timed at that time of
day, it took about an hour.
Det. Sudler:
Okay. And what happened upon arrival at the hospital?
-- . . Well, I pulled up to the. . .you know. . .the. .like the
door of the Emergency Room. And I got out and went
in and I’d already talked to them. So they were
.were expecting us. And I.. .you know. . .said...
you know.. .“We..”. . .you know.. .“We need a stretcher”.
And. ..you know.. .they said “Yeah...yeah.”..you know;..
“We’ll be there in a little bit”.. .you know. So I
went back out.. .opened the door. .and said “Okay.. .okay
guys”. And Paul.. .you know.. .Paul was. .was shaking
his head and saying...you know...”What?” And he-goes...
he goes “It doesn’t look good”. I said “Well, we better
move fast”. I ran back in and said “I need.. .1 need
that stretcher now”. - And they didn’t have one. So I
. . .1 just kept after them until they did something.
And they had a wheelchair, so they brought the -