her mental and physical well-being.. .you know... her condition. Is there anybody that you know that would have more firsthand knowledge of.. .of Lisa and how she was there. . .1 mean. . .you were pretty much... you know.. .you and Laura were there... -
Det. Sudler:
Watching her. And Suzanne. Other than. . .other than
you and Suzanne and Laura, would there be anybody else that would know?
Johnson: -
Well, I don’t think so. I think probably I’m. . .1
could say that -Suzanne.. .you know. . .definitely - knows more than I do about Lisa...
Det-. Sudler:. Okay.
Just because she was a personal friend. Let’s see
if I can remember any ,other thing that.. .you know... Suzanne might have told me. She didn’t specifically
say.. .you know.. . that Lisa. . .you know. . .was starving -
herself or trying to harm herself. But I know that it was a long term problem ,off and on. It wasn’t - always but it would pop up off and on. That much she had said to Suzanne. But as far as.. .you know.. .if this was the intention of what she was doing. . . you know. .that I never got any... .I,never heard anybody say that directly.
Det. Sudler:
Okay. But that didn’t present- itself to you that
that’s what she was trying to do? -
It crossed my mind that she. . .you know. . .was. . . .that
she was not as. . .well, that we.. .that at times it
took a lot of encouragement to get her to do those kind of basic things. . .you know. . .to just get her’ to
. . . to eat enough. . . drink enoUgh. But then. . .you know -
. . .somebody who is really upset.. .yeah, they’ll...
they’ll neglect themselves that way. So I can’t...