she look?
She was laying in bed kind of passive. Uh. . . she...
.initially that’s how she looked. And I presented
myself to her. I introduced myself to her and asked her did she want to speak with me. And I also asked
her if she wanted me to ask the people around the bed
to leave at that time. She. . . she was slow to respond in.. . to all of my questions. There was always like a slight hesitation when I asked her questions. And my assessment consists of. . .1 just ask “Are there any medical problems?”.. .“Do you have asthma, diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure?” I think her responses to all those questions were “No”. And then I. . .you know. . .1 asked her who she lives with. . .if she
was married. I remember her saying that and that she
didn’t mind if the.. .her.. .she described it as her
friends from the congregation.. . if they stayed at her side. And so they did and I completed my assessment.
When I did ask her questions, like I said, she had
a slight hesitation before she would respond. At
times, she would cross her eyes and I confronted her
with that. And I said “Lisa, I notice when I ask you
a question you cross your eyes.” And she had her eyes
• crossed when she answered and she said “Well, it helps
me concentrate better”. I.. .1 thought that was kind of
strange behavior on her part.
Were these questions that you were asking her questions
that would take a lot of concentration?
Not really. I.. I asked her questions such as “Do
you have any prior psychiatric history?” She responded
“No”. I asked her was she currently thinking of hurting
herself or anybody else and she responded “No”. I
confronted her with her alleged bizarre behavior. By