Summary by Mike Gormez: cult has a few release forms signed by Lisa, one signed but with blanks. No form for intro rd however. Cult says that these forms establish that McPherson agreed to never dragging cult in civil court for undergoing Scientology services/courses etc. Schaeffer thinks not. She asks: "Then why do you have more than one signed? If it's just for anything and everything, at any time, anyplace, well, just have one signed." Cult wriggles with the "Theis decision" but Schaeffer points out that release was specific to a certain race on certain track, held on a certain day. So does not apply and the cult's motion for summary judgement is denied. Btw, the cult has withdrawn its motion "without prejudice" to disqualify Dandar, based on Rentclub. Dandar asks for but is denied sanctions.