Lisa McPherson's baby-watch logs

The logs were released in the summer of 1997 on orders from the judge hearing the McPherson estate's lawsuit

FSO 00145

26 Nov 95

Public MLO

Rita Boykin, FSC EUS RUSH

Re: Lisa McPherson

I want to correct the data regarding what Lisa actually ate today.

Cold cuts were brought over -- she was interested in them but would not chew or swallow. I had some Herbalife protein powder & made a shake for her. She would not drink this. There were several very ripe bananas available to me, so I mashed one & put about a tablespoon of protein powder in it. She ate it very eagerly at first. I made a second batch which she was less interested in, even tried to hit away from her. I simply gave her a bite every few minutes and left her alone when she fought it.

She was lying down when I fed her. She tends to just hold things in her mouth or spit them out. I was making swallowing motions & rubbed my finger on her throat & she finally swallowed the first and next couple of bites I gave her. Then she was very in PT and interested in the rest.

[ARC triangle] Rita Boykin

FSO 00143

26 Nov 95

To: SNR C/S FSO From: Staff Chaplain Re: Lisa McPherson

Dear Sir,

I was on the watch from 3H30 AM to 4:00 PM. From 3H30 AM to 10H00 AM she was very nervous and violent. During that time she did not sleep. She slept only from 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM, then waked up and has been awake since.

She has not been eating just drinking a little bit of orange juice, then she threw [illegible] away. She also refused to eat the food that was brought to her, including the protein drink that she usually takes.

The rest of the time she is just talking [illegible] questions and answers, like [illegible] would be asking her questions and she would [illegible] answer.

Much Love, Valerie

Staff Chaplain

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