Anti-Scientology Leaflets

I'm slowly building up a collection of anti-Scientology flyers/leaflets that I've written. Hopefully, I'll add to this collection in the future. I like to write sections that take up only one side of a sheet of 8½×11 paper. That way, I (or anyone else) can mix and match for the leaflet of their choice. Feel free to use them to publicize the various abuses and depredations that Scientology has committed.

There are also some leaflets that I didn't write, but am hosting here. These leaflets are located towards the bottom of the page.

The leaflets come in PDF format, for easy printing. Each leaflet includes information and URLs. To get back to this page from the HTML versions, click your browser's back button.

Is This L. Ron Hubbard's Science?

A leaflet covering some of the less well publicized parts of Dianetics.

The HUMAN COST of $cientology

A short list of some of the people who have died (in my opinion) as a result of Scientology practices and policies.

$cientology costs a MINT

Prices and short descriptions of some Scientology courses.

$cientology: Church of the Holy Censor

All about the Scienositter, and mentions of banned words and URLs.

$cientology's Founder: Con Man

A leaflet I wrote for L. Ron Hubbard Birthday Pickets (ie March 13th). This leaflet details Hubbard's lies, bigamy, petty crime, and unindicted co-conspirator status.

What Judges Say About $cientology

Some of the things judges have said about Scientology over the course of the last few years. These comments come out of cases where the organization's behaviour is at issue - reinforcing the points these judges make in their conclusions about the organization.

No Science in $cientology

This leaflet quotes from the two studies done to examine Scientology principles, providing refutation of Scientology's claims of scientific basis for Hubbard's ideas.

$cientology Can't Take Criticism

I wrote this leaflet partly in response to the Toronto Org's leaflet, "What wouldyou do if these people took your child's picture and put it up on the Internet?" It also goes over the cult's counterpickets and The content is pretty localized to Toronto, but with a bit of tweaking it should do other places too.

To Preclears

This leaflet is written by an ex-Scientologist from Toronto, who goes by the handle Granfalloon when on anti-Scientology business. The leaflet is directed at Scientologist preClears. Because of the columnar layout, I'm just presenting it here in pdf format.