Ted Mayett's Picket CD

What is Ted Mayett's Picket CD?

It's a massive (522 MB) archive of as much 1995-1999 anti-Scientology picket info as Ted Mayett could collect, in the form of archived websites. The Picket CD is an amazing piece of work - it has archives that I didn't even know existed, and archives that aren't on the web anymore. The whole archive is ISO 9660 compliant, and all the websites link back and forth to each other. In all, it's an invaluable historical resource covering the post-Dennis Erlich period in Scientology's history.

How do you get it?

If you want one of these masterpieces, you can email me your mailing address and I'll send it as soon as I've burned the CD. Conversely, you can request one directly from Ted Mayett or Michael Reuss, and maybe even from all the other people who now have one of these beauties.

If you want to contribute to the creation and distribution of this amazing piece of work, you can:

1) Request your own copy of Ted Mayett's Picket CD, and then distribute copies yourself.

2) Send a few dollars (real ones too!) to Ted Mayett, to help him recoup his costs.