June 19, 1999 - Gypsyblue

What a lovely day for a picket. I arrived at the org. late, as usual, around 11:30 am or so, and the guys were already hard at work, with their picket signs and fliers.......Wulfen was at his post, utterly thrilled that I remembered to return my arscc badge from my first picket. Elrond was standing directly in front of the org, grinning mischievously as he spoke at high volume about Xenu, the galactic overlord. Gorilla, in his Who Killed Lisa McPherson tee-shirt was pacing, picket sign in place, and handing out fliers to passers-by. In short, the enturbulation was well in gear when I showed up for duty.

I grabbed a handful of bright gold Xenu fliers (my personal favourite for picketing purposes, the response of people who've never heard of Xenu is quite amusing to experience, when they stop to read the flier before continuing on their way) and crossed the street to work the other side. It was quite chaotic just in front of the org. building, anyhow, what with our guys and then all the scienos, taking their never ending rolls of pics, and shooting their usual video. (Where *do* they get the money for all that film and developing??) Oh, and today there were a number of them handing out fliers against Elrond and the others. To me the scientologists look miserable, weary and unhealthy. They have a dingy pallor about them. Their smiles look fixed. I think, in a way, they are visual PR against the Co$.

Anyhow.......I handed out a ton of fliers and had to keep crossing the street to get more from Elrond. I was half afraid the police officer who stood in front of the org. all the time I was there, keeping things peaceful, would ticket me for jay-walking.

Most of the passers-by were very nice and supportive. I got alot of thank you's, which I always appreciate. Quite a number of people stopped to discuss and/or ask questions about Scientology. The thing that struck me the most was the general bad feeling amongst so many people about Scientology. Those who had heard of it had opinions that ranged from "Oh, that bunch of nuts" to "L. Ron Hubbard was insane". Many cited the A&E special. And I must admit, quite a few people mentioned John Travolta in an entirely negative way. I enjoyed that a great deal.

We stopped at 12:30 and had a quick lunch. I love how the conversation never runs out when a bunch of SP's get together......we know we all have something in common, and that something provides endless hours of discussion, entertainment and serious concern.

After lunch, back to work. This time Gor. picketed on my side of the street and we hand out fliers together. Toronto people can be great! The scienos set up just a few yards away from me, and to anyone who had taken one of their fliers, (which had the obligatory Dianetics advert. in the centre), I handed one of mine to, with the friendly admonishment to read both sides of the story before spending the big bucks. That one got alot of laughs.

I enjoy picketing. It's good to know I'm doing something positive for the world around me, and I actually get a kick out of handing out those wacky Xenu fliers....I'm beginning to believe I was a barker in a past life. I'm already looking forward to next month's picket. And next time, I won't forget my camera!