July 1, 2000 - Gregg Hagglund

See also: Canada Day Guerrilla picket--Toronto Org, July 1st 2000

Toronto, July 1, 2000

After the most recent despicable and threatening action of known OSA thug Peter Ramsay we decided he had drawn in an unscheduled Picket.

So in Kaeli's honour we staged a 3 hour Demonstration from 12 to 3 pm today.

Picketers: Kaeli, ZeratulCat, Ron Sharp, Dave Palter, Mike Argue and Gregg Hagglund.

Flyer count: approx 400 RXenu Specials.

We showed up at Noon and poor Mario, who runs the Dianetics shop was very upset. He complained to me we didn't have a cop and we hadn't given any notice. We were "breaking the Deal".

I told him that we didn't need to give notice and they broke the "Deal" first. I pointed out we had kept good faith and not used the megaphone since they had agreed not to use outside speakers to make talking to the public impossible. That was a Cop negotiated deal and I said I was sticking to it. I told him we had agreed to keep picketing at announced dates as long as they had to pay for a cop out of their pocket and if they did not harass us. [This was another cop brokered 'deal' or unwritten agreement. ] But, I said, your fellows had started this year with an unprecedented level of harassment, going as far as outright street libel and in Ramsay's case: assault and cyber-stalking. So, I continued, Peter Ramsay drew this one in, talk to him about it.

Mario wasn't happy but I think he understood we are within our rights and were responding to his own peoples ruthless and rude actions.

{Note: As far as interaction is concerned Mario has been one of the fairest, consistent and least aggressive counter picketers for the Co$ IMHO. If more were like him I think the Co$ would score more PR points with the general public at the Demos.]

The org has an open scaffold in front of it right now. This is plank covered and forms a protective walkway along its entire frontage. Today the org had more scaffolding partially assembled on its side street facing. Windows, some broken for years, are being replaced.They are also having their roof redone. Avenue Road Roofing [ARR] appears to either have the contract to do this or is renting or loaning the equipment for the roof work.

Note: Ramsay is a sign hanger for ARR. The defacing kind stuck to street poles and light standards. ARR was owned by David Stokes, one of those who libeled my wife. Many current org members and staff were sucked in via ARR.

Janet Leveau was in a panic calling the police and for absent OT3+ members to rush back and defend the Org. After about 45 minutes a few of the second string players made an appearance. The Goon Squad, except for Ramsay, never showed. The 6 or seven publics on course or in for sessions were herded of the street and into the 'Chapel' to hide.

One of the better Motorized Police Sergeants showed at about 1:30 to chide us gently for having put a couple of 1 by 3 inch Xenus stickers on the scaffolding. ( We had an earlier case of 'silliness'.) This cop had a really fantastic Harley like bike. He was familiar with us and went thru the motions, for Janet Leveau who had crept up to the scene, of asking us to keep to the Demonstration routine we usually managed. I assured him we would and that we would be breaking at 3 pm and would call him before we came back. Satisfied he left me and he then spent a few moments talking to Leveau. She kept pointing at me and he kept shaking his head. Then he went back to his bike. I gave him a thumbs up, he waved and left.

Ramsay crawled in a little later and I pointed him out to Kaeli. He tried some street intimidation on me which had me shaking a bit. This spare creepy man just oozes 'slimy hatred'.

The picket was interesting in that I was able to get many admissions on video tape or the audio portion of the video tape. For example: I have a woman, allegedly named Janet Wheeler, telling a passerby, in an interesting exchange, that yes, reading the words of OT3, without the proper preparation *had* made people ill. This poor deluded woman also told me, on the record, that I was legally defined as a hate monger. Hate crimes, whether committed by individuals or a group are illegal in this country, I told her, so why haven't I been arrested? I didn't get an intelligible answer.

Another second stringer complained to me I had ruined her Canada Day holiday. Yes. Lawful use of Freedom of Expression is such a bother, isn't it?

Particularly interesting was getting the Repugnant Mr. Ramsay on video making threats (likely empty, but chilling nonetheless] and of course Wimpy assaulting me.

Oh yes, I got jumped again by another Org member.

How that developed was like this:

We had adjourned for the day at 3 pm, making it sound like we were going for lunch and would be back.

We then went to the Artful Dodger and all has a beer or coffee or soft drinks and the traditional plate of fries.

After about 90 minutes, the org members must have got the idea we were not going to come back because there was a sudden flood of the locals to the discount grocer across the street from the Dodger. Ron suggested we go over to the corner and take a peek to see what the Org was up to if anything.

Well, to my surprise while we had been away, the org had imported FLAG's PTS/SP handling tech from Clearwater: The Green Gauze Shroud! They had fastened to the street side of the scaffolding in front of the Org, from its top of planks down to about 3 feet off the ground, the green flammable nylon mesh *exactly* like that used in CW last year.

I wanted to get a snipping from the ragged edges I could see to test and take to the Toronto Fire Dept. {I don't believe this flammable nylon gauze is safe to use as a public walkway siding. I am certain there are legal uses for this product, but I'll have to be convinced the Orgs application is appropriate. It won't really interfere with picketing too much in any event.}

So Kaeli accompanied me across Yonge to get a sample. This stuff was fairly beat up. Stress holes and rips from previous mountings with ty-wraps were evident. One end was very ragged and using my nail clippers, I cut a one inch by half inch piece from the seam end there. Well, out of the Org or from up the 'tunnel', [I am not sure which] charges our old friend and camera assaulter Wimpy the Sea Orger. He snarls at me,"What do you think your doing with that knife?"[Heh, all one and a half inches of knife.] And I said, " I am taking this scrap for testing, and to show the Fire Department how flammable this stuff is." I also started to bring up my video camera as he approached me. Then he came up to me and shoved me hard, slapped the lens of my camera and then banged my camera downward very hard with his fist. And then he abruptly turned and ran into the ORg.

Well, not one to miss a dramatic opportunity I proceeded to give the Org and its quickly reassembling 'handlers' and both sides of Yonge Street a true demonstration of Parade Ground Tone 80. I asked, at full volume, if this Scientology thug was going to come out and assault me again? I wouldn't hit back. No? { In moments I had a small crowd of the curious passersby watching and listening. Now I was all warmed up for a little street theatre I launched into a five minute monologue, at Tone 80, covering the Co$ criminal past and current short comings, deceptions and anti-social policies.}This, I projected, was Scientology's way of dealing with lawful criticism: they beat their critics up. Assaulted them. Scientology management condones etc.." At just the right moment, when I had the total attention empathy, sympathy, and agreement of my non-Co$ audience, I broke off and we all left.

It was a stellar performance and kept me from falling into a stutter I have as a fear reflex. Sadly my camera had timed out just as I got 'into' it. However George the video Orger caught the later half on tape for posterity. We'll just have to subpoena that one day so I can get a copy.

Oh yes. I also told them they had just earned another unscheduled demonstration.

Thanks to all who could make it to this short notice demonstration.

And for Janet Leveau:

Be seeing you!

Gregg Hagglund SP7