----_FINCHLEY [B:\0030001.TIF] Issue No: 476 · Thursday January 14 1993 · (VFD) Free to 85,706 (January-June 1992) homes In Barnet and FinchIcy [B:\0030002.TIF] THE ADVERTISER can reveal that an anti-drugs charity. which was to lecture in local schools and teen discos' uses rehabilitation methods developed by the founder of the .controversial Sclentology cult. e Charity is using the Scientology founder's "'"' anti. drugs programme Narconon had arranged aged ! 3 to 18. to promote its anti- Narconon uses tech- drugs ritessage and rehabilitation pro- gramme at a series of discos, some in this ,, niques developed by ' cult's founder, immedi- banned Narconon. the late L. Ron ately banned the group Barnet council is Hubbard - founder of from the discos afler now telling schools the cult of Scientology. the Advertiser told him about the group, but Disco organiser, ofits findings. says it is up to individ- Martin Charlion, of Brewers Taylor ual headteachers whom Club 13-18, had asked Walker, whose pubs they invite in. schools to publieise his are hosting the discos, Other education discos. In return, he initially cancelled the authorities, including offered them a speaker' first event, duc this West Sussex County from Narconon. Friday in Southgate. Council, have also Mr Charlton, who But they gave the go- warned schools 'about was unaware of ahead after hearing Narconon in the past. Narconon's links to the that Mr Charlion had Narconon's cxccu- sc!ent010gy rive direclor sheila MacLean said: "We have no financial, political or any other fik dofijed kind of link with l] Scientology. "Narconon and Scientology are not mni II III. one and the same. All GRAEME WIlson, spokesman for the Church of Sclentology said: "Narconon Is a separate organlsatlon who use the techniques of L. Ron Hubbard as we do, but we don't have an organlsatlonal link. "A lot of Narconon staff members are Sclent01oglsts and use our techniques but we are not the same," he said. we are doing is getting people off drugs using techniques developed by L. Ron Itubbard." Then she said: "It could be detrimental to yourself to publish this." ~.];Lrqllr~(.)t,,[.]tley._I,~-a 0000~,, [B:\0030003.TIF] ADVERTISER SERIES. January 14th, 1993 FACTS BEHIND NARCONON has a large drug reha- bilitation centre on the Chilocco n d I a n Reservation in Oklahoma, USA. 'The centre was exempted from state ccr- ti ticaLien from the Oklahoma Board of Mental lisalib in August 1992. l[owever, the board had earlier denied certifi- cation. ruling ~at "there is no creditfie scientific evidence the Narc6non program is effective". Scientology founder I.. Ron }lubbard's "Purification Rundown" as a central techflique used in the programroe. it supposedly flushes the body of drug residues through massive and potentially damag- ing use of vitamins and five hours each day run- ning and sweating in a sauna, The board also stated that Narconon cheats at the conire were able to handle and provide rned- icelion to other clients; that staff employed by the conIre were inade- quately b'ained and cdu- rated in the field of drug and alcohol abuse. and that no mental health professionals were employed by them. Natcanon was started in 1966 by Arizona State Prison convict William Benitez. using rehabilita-, don methods dcvcloped by L. Ron Hubbard', Nar,~non says it is not ~art of the Church of cientoJogy. It says that taking its Drug Educaktion and Prevention ProUamme into schools is the result of glowing concern among thousands of par- ents. The group claims "over 100,000 surveys of participants worldwide of Narconon's Truth Investigation by GRAEME ALLEN CI.U, 13-18 ~s Merlin Charlion cancell~ Narconon's invitation to the dl~o minutes after the A~v~rfiser told him that Natcanon used techniques developed by 1.. Ran I!ubba~, founder of Sclentol~y. "l just ~n'l ~lieve this," he ~id. '~e were I~kin~ for an anll-druRs charily to take part and found their nan~ In the Yellow PaR~. "We're tryl.~ Io o~anise an anli-dm~s thinR for children. Natcanon me.tloned I,. Ran !lubhard, but never told me of his links to Scimlol~y. !t's con~ ~t of the blue to me." The first disco Is bein~ held this Friday, January 15, at Sdbome !lall, ~e Mall, b~lnd the Cherry TrH pub, Souih~ate, from 7.30 to lipre. There will be a sound system, special eff~l~ a dance cre~ and mulli-level dance plal- for~. CHARITY About Drugs Education programmc show that our prescntatiou is a suc- cessful deterrent to drug abuse for youth". Narconon also qut, lcs numerous tutirnomals to the results of its work, includinR lette~ from the office of the GOvernor of the State of California. said: "We've heard of The group claims the Natcohort trying to get lectures it delivers in into schools and have achools were written by always sought to make the president of education authorities Nareonon international aware of them." John Duff. I if you have any !an Hawo~h of charity experience of Cult Information Centre, Narconon, call us on which investigates cults 081.449 5577. Controversy surrounds the BEST-SELLING sci- ence fiction wrltm, L. Ran Hubbard faund- ad the Church of Sdentology In 1953. Ever since, he and hie organization here been at Ihe canIre of controver- sy. In 1984 In Ihe High Mr Justice tey described ' al "cot- end Is," and the prac-.' tices of the founder, his church and his helpers an "grimly reminiscent of Ihe ranting and bullying of HI!let and his henchman". The Judge made his comments when he ordered two young children to be laken from their Sdenlologlat father and placed In the custody of Ihelr mother. The cult vehe- roefilly denies accu- selions of Indoclrl- Scjentology group [B:\0030004.TIF] Top actress Kirstle Alley Top Gun star Tom Cruise nailon and brain- Sclentology, whose port or have sup- washing, claiming It UK base |~ In East parted Its Ideology, Is a movemeal dedl- Grinsteed has thou- among them are top cared to the bailer- -sands of famous International stars sent of mankind. people throughout Klratle Alley and The Church of the world who sup- Tom Cruise. 0000~6.':,?