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JOSEPH A. fANNY, etal., ) ) D ~fendants and Respondants. ) JAN 11 1994 ) ~s~u~y APPEAL from a Judgment of the Superior Court of Los Angeles County. Raymond Cardenas, Judge. Affirmed. Rabincwitzo Bcudin. Standard, Kr~n~ky & L~eberman. Eric M. Li~berman, and William T. Drescher for Plaintiffs and Appellants L~,~is, D'~ato, Brisbois & Bisgaard, David B. Parker, Graham E. Xerry, Ja=esh Patel~ Joseph A. Yann~, in pro per, for Defenda~nts and Respondants. 1-12-94; 9:~,2 ; LAW OFFICES F, P, Y&W-, 1213250'/900;4I 3 Re1igious.Technology Center, 'Church of Scientology International, and Church o'f Scientology of CaliZornia (collectively, 'Scientology') appeal from a Judgment of dismissal ~hich followed the granting without leave.to amend of the motion of defendant Joseph Yann3[1/for Judgment on the pleadings. We find that the Judgment was properl~ granted, an~ we shall therefore affirm it. [~AL..~D_~CED~BACKGRO~D From a~proximately mid-1983 until the end. of 1987, Yanny represented Sctentolog~ as its counsel in numerous legal matters. ~e was initially retained as Scientology's counsel by Vicki Azna[an, who was at the time President of the Religious TechnolOgy Center. S~ortly after Yann~ ceased to re~resent Scientolog~, Aznaran sn~ her husband, Richard Aznaran, a former chief of securit~ f9r Scientology, told Yanny that Scientology had subjected :hem to extraordinary abuse end asked him to help 'them find mn attorney who could represent them ins lawsuit against Sc:hentology. The~nsrans sta~ed with Yann~ at his home for a]~out two weeks, and he referred th~to various layers. )n April 1, 1988, the Aznarans filed an action against Sc.entology in the United States Court for the Central District o: California. I~ response, onJune 23, 1988, Scientolog~ filed an ,action against Yanny and others in the Los Angeles County 1~ Scientology's complaint named Yanny personally and also named Joseph H. Yanny, a Pro~essional Law Corporation. SENT BY: (310) 203 8334 ; 1-12-94; 9:42 ; LAW OFFICES F, P, y&W~ 12132507900;# 4 Superior Court ("~"), seeking an injunction and damages for breachof fiduciary.duty, breach of contract, tortious breach of the covenant of good faith and fair dealing, constructi~e fraud, fraud, intentional interference with Contract, ~ivil conspiracy and conversion. Yanny crosscomplained for unpaid legal fees. ' The Jury in~ awarded Yanny $154,000, and in bifurcated~Proceedings, the court found that: (1) Yanny and other lawyers neme~ in Scientology's complaint had not conspired breach Yanny's duties to Scientology~ end (2) Yanny ~ad not breached such duties. The court denied inJunctive!relief finding that: (1) Scientology had not establishe~ bl~ a preponderance of the evidence that breaches of duty by Ya~xn~ were reasonably probable in the future; and (2) the court had no~urisdiction to regulate the practice of law in the federal courts or in other state courts. The court concluded ;cien~ology would have to challenge any allegedly improper r4epresentation of its. adversaries by Yannl~ on a case-by-catze basis in any court where such representation might occur.2/- 01 July 1, 1991, Yanny substituted in as attorney of record for the Aznarans' ~ormer"attorney in their ~ederal action aga:Lnst Scientology. On.July 3, Scientolcgy filed a motion in he federal court to disqualify Yanny ~rom appearing ~ ~ ~ Scientolog~, appealed that judgment. Its appeal was dismissed by this division on January 8, 1993 pursuant to rule 10, subdivision (c), Rules of Court, ~or failure to file tl~e record~on appeal within the time allowed. SENT BY: C~10) 20S 1]SS4 ; 1-12-9A; g:~S ; LAW OFF:~GES F, P, Y&W* 12132507ft00;# B for the Aznarans in that action. On.July 18, it filed the present action in the superior court ~or damages Zor breach of fiduciary luty and a permanent injunction enJo'ining Yanny from 'violating the fiduciary duties he owed to [Scientology] as a result of :heir former attorney-client relationship.' In the superior c~urt complaint, Scientology also sought damages and an inJunct'.ion enjoining Yanny from vlolating duties owed to Scientolog:~ by representing one Gerald Armstrong, whom Scientologi~ alleged Yanny was representing in matters adverse to Scien~oLogy.3/ Scientology alleged that Yanny possessed confidenti,ll information which he obtained during' his representa!:ion of Scientology and that he 'traded on' that informatio,n in representing Scientology's adversaries, Armstrong ~nd the Aznarans. S~ientology's motion to disqualif~ Yanny in the AznaranS' ~ederal action was granted shortly after it. was filed, on July 24, 1991. In the superior court action, after resisting discovery requests by Yanny, which were aimed at identifyin~ confidential information which had been disclosed to Armstro~g and the Aznarans, 8cientology stipulated that it '[did~ not base any claim in this action on any alleged disclosure of . . . confidences to plaintiffs' adversaries, and 3/ A lawsuit between Armstrong and 2cientology came before this court, and we filed an opinion in that case, ~ '0[ Scientolouv v. ~ (1991) 232 Cal.App.3d 1060, on July 29, 1991, e~ortly afEer the filing of Scientology's complaint against Yenny. Yanny did not appear as Armstron9's counsel of record in that case, at leas= not on appeal. However, it appears he[may have filed a brief as amicus curiae at some point in the proceedings. SENT BY: (~10) 20~ 8~$ ; 1-12-94; 9:4~ ; LAW OFFIGES F, P, Y&~ 121~2507900;# 6 that such :[was] not, and [would] not at trial be, an issue in this case. Based upon this stipulation Yanny filed a motion for Judgment on the pleadin~s. The court granted the motion for Judgment on the pleadinqs, concluding that Scientolog~, couldnot maintain a cause of action for Yanny's allaped breach of fiduciary duties. without pleading and proving an injury caused by such breach--without alleging, that is, an actual disclosure of Scientology's confidences to its adversaries. A subsequent motion for reconsideration of the court's ruling on the motion for Judgment on the pleadings, or in the alternative, for leave to amend l~:s complaint to allege actual disclosures of confidence;, was denied on June 15, 1992. This timely appeal followed. CONTENTIONS ON APPE~ S~;ientology contends the trial court erred in: (1) holding it was not antitied to recover damages for Yanny's breach of ~iduciaryduty~ (2) denying s permanent injunction against further breaches of such duty~ (3) denying Scientology leave to sinend its complaint. ' 1. Standard o[ Review A motion for Judgment on the pleadings is the equivalent of a general demurrat. (Columbia Casualty Co. v. ~Northweste::n Nat. Ins. Co. (1991) 231 Cal'.App.3d 457. 468.) SENT DY: (310) 203 8334 ; 1-12-94; 9:44 ; LAW OFFICES F, P, Y&W-, 1213250'7900;# Accordingly% we review the trial court's grant of such a motion under the ~ame standard as we'would a Judgment after the sustaining of a demurrat. (~v. Western MaCArthur (1987) 192 Cal.App.3d 951, 954~ P~v, City of O~al (1986) 178 Cal.Apl~.3d 280, 290.) Both motions test whether the allegations of the pleading under attack, if true, support the pleader's ~ause of action.' (Columbia Casualty Co. v. Northwestern. Nat: Ins. CO., J3~, 231 Cal.App.3d at p. 468.) I~ making this determination, a court generally looks only to the face of the pleading, presumes all properly alleged facts to be true, and determines whether these facts constitute a cause of[action. However, 'in appropriate circumstances,.the court may ~1so consider matters subject to Judicialnotice. (Hu~hes v.=Western MacArthur.Co., ~, 192 Cal.App.3d at 955, and c~ses cited therein.) Like a ~udgment based upon an order sustaining a demurrat, a judgment on the pleadings must be affirmed if one of the'several grounds of the motion is correct. v. Western!MscAr~hur_Co., JJJ~, 192 C81.App.3d at p. 954~ ~y. Count_v of Vanfurs (1979) 25 Cal;3d 14, 21.) As with any rtiling, ú trial court's order granting Judgment on the pleadings rill be sustained if correct on any theory. (D.~Lt~ ,. _Board of Mediest Examiners (1974) 11 cal.3a 1, j.~ v. iBerkofskv-Barret Productions. InC.' (1989) 211 Cal.App.3d 1067, 1071.) SENT i~Y: (~10) 203 8~t~t4 ; 1-12-9~,; ft:45 ; LA~ OFFIGES F, P, Y&W-~ 121~]250'~900;# 8 2. Scientoloav Waz lqot Entitled To Recover Damace.Aoainst Yannv Without Pleadins and Provino an Actual D~sclosure oE Confiden~-ez, An attorney's breach of the ethical duties of good faith and [idelity, which are owed by an attorney to his or her client, am,~unts to.legal malpractice and is actionable. (~ v. ~ (1968) 258 Cal.App.2d 136, 1~9~ ~ v. Pacific Au~:omobile Ins. Co. (1958) 156 Cal.App.2d 652, 663~ see generally Developments in the Law: Conflicts of rnteres~ in.th~ Lecal Prof,~ssion (1981) 94 Harv.L. Ray. 1244, 1486-1496.) However, 1:.kS any other action for damages, a claim for breach of an atto:rney's fiduciary duty has minim~ pleading requirement:s, namely, duty, breach, causation and damages. The absence of any one of these elements defeats the cause of ac=ion. ' X~ particular, for a former client to plead a cause of action against its former attorney for damages for breach of the attorney's duties of loyalty and confidentiality, the client not only mus~ show the existence.and breach of a fiduciary ~uty, but also met show inJu=y proximately caused b~ such breac]. (~v. ~ (1991) I Cal.App.4th 1093, 1101~ Stockto~T}~eatr~- Inc, v. ~ (1953) i21 Cal.App.2d 616, 625-627.) Yanny contends, in effect, that Scien~ology fails to state 8 ca~se. of action against YaW, because the allegations Of its comUlaint do not establish causation or inJur~. We agree. ~c~ ~'r~ ~,~'~u2 zu;~ u~;s4 ; ]-IZ-8~,; it:4b ; LAW OFFICES F, P, Y&W-., 121~t2507i]0C);# 9 Scientology is simply incorrect in contending that it could establish a cause of action for breach of fiduciary duties by showing only that'a substantial relationship existed between Yaany's prior representation of Scientology and his current rel,resentation of its adversaries; It is indeed establisheI beyond all possible dispute that a former client can successfully move to ~ its former a~torne~ from representi:.~ the former client's adversary on a mhtter in which the attorn,~y has obtained confidential information; actual possession of confidential.information by the attorne~ need not be shown, !ut is presumed if the Client merel~ establishes that there is a substantial relationship between the ~ormer and the current representation. (Peo_Dle ez tel Daukme~ian v. Brown (1981) 29 ~al.3d 150, 156-157~ H.F~ Ahmanson_~_Co. v. Brothers. ~[nc. (1991) 229 Cal.App.3d 1445, 1452-1453; Global Van Lines, Inc. v. Su_Derior Court (1983) 144 Cal.App,3d 483, 487-4~8.)~ Disqualification motions exist to enforce the duties of ~n attorney, as articulated in Business and Pro~ession Code section 6068, subdivision (e) an~ rule 3-310, subd. (d) f the Rules of ProfesSional Conduct for attorneys, l~ See also, e.g., In re Com~lax Asbestos Li~icati~n (1991) 232~Ca1.App.3d 572, 587; a~/1EiKED~v. Great Ameriaan Savinos & Loan (1992) 11 Cal.App.4th 109, 113-114S LTu~tXMlg~ v~ Fireman's Fun~ Ins. Co. (1992) 6 Cal.App.4~h 1050, 1056; Roserfeld Construction Co. v. Superior Cour~ (~991) 235 Cal.App,3d 566, 575; ~q~stern Continental O_Dera~ina C~. V. N~tural Gas Cor~.' (1989) 212 Cal.App.3d 752~ 758-759~ West. Inc. v. ~ (1987) 188 Cal.App.3d 1297, 1302-1303; Elliottv. S~Clrarlan~ Unified School District (1985) 165 Cal.App.3d'562, ~69, fn, 6; Graver. Grove Valve ú Reuula~or ~Lk (1963)'213 Cal.App,2d 646, 652. ~FNT BY: (a10) 20a ~aa,~ ; 1-12-94; 8:41~ ; LAW to preserv. e client confidences and to refuse employment adverse to. a former client in matters on which the attorney has received ~onfidential information.5/ Van v.lne~. Inc. v. 8u_Derior Court, aLt~/a, 144 Cal.App..3d at p. 489; western Continental ODeratingCo~; v. Natural Gas ú ~t~Lfi, 212 Cal.App.3d at p. '759.) .It exists because a former client cannot prove whet is in the mind of the attorney,, nor should the attorney have to 'engage in a subtle evaluation of the extent to which he acquired relevant information ~n the first representation and of the actual use of that knowledge and information in the subsequent representation.' Lines. Inc!. v. Superior Court, supra, 144 Cal.App.3d at p. 489, quoting from Developments i~ the Law: Conflicts of Inter~t the Leoal ~rofession, &~_~, 9~ Harv. L. Rev. at p. 1318.) It does not follow, however, that an action for ~witl lie against a former attorney, where the former client merrily shows a substantial relationship between the J' Bus. & Prof. Code, S 6068, in relevant part, provides: *It is the duty of an attorney to do all of the following: . . . [](e) To maintain inviolate the confidence, and at every peril to himself or'herself to preserve the secrets, o! his or her Client....' RUle 3-110, subd. (d), Rules of Professional Conduct, substantially embodies the provisions of former rule 4-101 and rule 5-101pwwh~ch preceded rule 4-101. Rule 3-110, subd. (d), provides: I A member shall not accept employment adverse to a client or Zormer client where, b~, reason of the representation of the client or former client, the member has obtained confidential information material to the employment except with the informed written consent of the client or former client.' 5FNT DY: (310) 203 833~, ; 1-12-94; 9:46 ; LAW OFFICES F, P, Y&W-', 12132507900;#11 attorne~'s ~ormer and current representation and does not allege orbshow that the attorney actually possessed, disclosed or used confidential information. Scien~o~og~ cites no binding or persua~ive authorit~ ~or the proposition that damages are or should be recoverable under such circumstances, and ~e can imagine n~ reason in polic~ to s~ow such recover~. We are unconvinced b~ Sciento~og~'s claim that damages must be presumed in cases of an a~torne~'s breach of ~ifiuciar~ duty, ~us~ as the~ are presumed in cases o~ defamation per se. ~ is provided b~ s~a~ute that damages ma~ be pressed in cases o~ ~ibel ~er se. (Civ. Code, S~ 45a, 46, 48a.') .No statute, and as ~e have observed, no ~u~icial authority, provides ~or pressed damages ~or an attorne~'e breach o~ confidence. rn addl~ion, jdamages are presumed in de~amation cases onl~ where it is established tha~ the fie~en~ant did ladeeft publish a sta~emen~ and ~e statement ~as of a kind which, on its ~ace, base nat~.ral ~endenc~ ~0 in~ure a person's re~utation. (Civ. Code, SS 45a, 46; ~ v. ~ (~982) 32 Ca~.3fi Z49, z53.) .sc~.en~o~ogy ~ouZd have the'ls~ go ~arther in cases o~ an a~torney' breach o~ confidence and presume not onZ~ damage ~rom the ~':iscZosure or use o~ a foyer ciien~'s confidences, but aZso he disclosure oruse itself. norder to~ such disclosures or uses, the courts ha~e found it necessa~ ~o djsquaZi[y an at~orne~ ~rom representing a [ormer cZient's adversary, i~ the ne~ SENT [~Y: (310) 203 8334 ; 1-12-9,~; 9:47 ; LAW OFFIGES F, P, Y&W'-, 12132507900;#12 11. representation bears s substantial relationship to the former one. However,.where the former client claims the damage inherehal) threatened by any adverse representation has already occurred nd seeks a money recovery for it, we fail to see any reason wh the former client should not be required, as is any plaintiff in an a~tion for damages, to identify the {njury and establish that the defendant attorney'.s breach caused it.k/ 8cientolo~y claims, however, that it would be paradoxical to require a former client to reveal the very Confidences which are threatened by its former attorney's defection. Such a requirement clearly would be both paradoxical and improper in the context of a disqualification motion. (~Cf. ~ v. Superior Court (1983) 149 Cal.App.3d 931, 934.)[ However, it is neither improper nor paradoxical in the context of an action for damages. If disclosure or use of the confidences is merely threatened, the plaintiff's proper remedy is ~a motion to disqualify the attorney from representing the plain~iff's adversary. If the confidenc. es have already been revealed or used, the damage has been done. That, indeed, is the very damage which gives rise to the plsintiff's right of ~/ Scientology is, of course, correct in arguing that nominal damages are appropriate where a plalntiff establishes a mere technical violation of ú right, and that nominal damages and punitive damages may be recovered where the damage is substantia~l, but the amount is not susceptible of precise proof. (~ v. Hoefke (1987) 189 Cal.App.3d 1397, 14061 'AEt~a v. ~ (1972) 28 Cal.App.3d 1086, 1088.) But this does not mean that even nominal damages can be recovered where the plaintiff does not plead and prove an ara:~, if 'technicall,' violation of a right, as opposed to showing the mere existence of circumstances Dosinn a ~hre8~, even ú serious one, that.i right willbe violated. SENT BY: 1310) 203 833~. ; 1-12-9~.; 9:48 ; LAW OFFICES F, P, Y&W-. 12132507900;#13 12. recovery, and it must be pied and proven, or an action for d~a~er~ sir~ye~oes not lie. The ~rial court thus quite P p ~' g. t Judgment on the pleadings as to Scientology's claims for damages. ú 3". Scientolo~v Was Not Entitled t~ a Broad InjunCtion Affecting Yannv's Prac_~ice 8cientolog~ contends, however, that, having pled the existence of a substantial relationship between Yann~'s former representation of Scientology and any matter in which he might represent the Aznarans or Armstrong against Scientology, it was entitled to prove the existence of that relationship, and thereafter to obtain a permanent in~unction enJoining Yanny both from :epresenting those parties as their'attorney of record in mny proceeding in any court and from assisting them informa11~in an~ such proceedings. We cannot agree. Iai~ially, Scien~ology has an adequate r~efiy by way of a disqualification motion, which it is free to file in any matter in ~hich it believes Yanny is improperly siding its adVersarie. The in~unction requested would do no more than enjoin Yan~ from 'violst. ing the fiduciary duties he owes plaintiffs as a result of their earlier attorney-client relationsh:hp,' and Yann~ is already prohibite~ from such violations b~ his duties under Business anti Professions Code section 60~8 mn~ rule 3-310 of the Rules of Professional =ConduCt. ~rther, given the broad phrasing of the requested SENT BY: 13101 203 8334 ; 1-12-94; 9:48 ; LAW OFFZGF,.R F, P, Y&W-, 121~i250'7900;#14 .1.3. injunction, the only means o~ en~orcing it would be to bring a motion for contempt in any proceeding in which Yanny might be representing or assisting an adversary. Such a motion would raise'the issue oZ whether Yanny was violating a duty to Scientolog~--precisely the issue which would be raised by an ordinary motion to d. isquali~y Yanny, which could be brought without re~ard' to the injunction. Scientology denies a disquali~ication motion would be an effective remedy, and contends it has no effective remedy against threatened breaches by Yanny o~ his duties to because Y~ny has acted in the past, and may act 'in the future, 'behind the scenes' to give improper assistance to its adversarieS, rather than appear in their behal~ as.attorney record. SCientolog~ argues that it is unclear whether a court would hayS'jurisdiction to disquali~y an attorney who does make a ~ormal appearance in an action and who denies any participation in it. T~s issue o~ whether a court would have Jurisdiction to enjoin an attorney from assisting a party 'behind the scenes' in a particular case is, of course, not before us. However, i~ is mere sophistr~ to say that a court wouldhave Jurisdicti~ n to prohibit as a contempt Yanny's in~o~al or su~reptlti~us p~rticipation in s case, ~et sa~ that the sau court migh~ lack Jurisdiction to prohibit the same conduct as SENT DY: C)ID) 203 8~)~)~. ; 1-12-9~,; 9:~.9 ; LAW OFFIGFS F, P, Y&W-'~ 1213250'7900;#15 14. potential violation of the attorney's duties under generally applicable; statutes and rules. More ~undamentally0 the court.below had no jurisdiction to grant the injunction Scientology sought. 5Cientolog[CorreCtly argues that an attorney'S former client can seek t~ dis~ualify the attorney from an improper successive representation in either of two ways: either (1) by a disqualification motion in the action in which the former attorney a~pears for the former's client's adversary (P~ re1. Deuk~Jian v. Brown,. ~, 29 Cal.3d st p. 1595 ~j~ Mun. Water Diet. v. Superior Court (1969) 269 Cal.App.ad 919, 927~ Grove v. Grove.Valve & Reculator Co., ~d~RIA, 213 Cal.App.ld at p. 6~2)~ or (2) by a separate action to enjoin the advers~ representation (watchumna water co. v. t ucc brought, the injunction was directed only against the attorney's particlpat;~on in specific lawsuits in courts whose proceedings are subjec~ to the Jurisdiction of the court issuing the injunction (~) Scientology has cited no precedent for the kind o broad injunction which it seeks. Indeed, such authority s exists is squarely against the issuance of Such an injunction Tl~e power to disquaIify an attorney derives from the =court's inherent power to control the conduct of persons ~ENT I)Y:(310> 203 8334 ; 1-12-94; 9:49 ; LAW OFFIGES F,P,Y&W-. 12132507900;#16 15. any mannez connected with.a Judicial proceeding before.it, in every matter pertaining thereto.' (Code Civ. Proc.# S 128, Subd. (a) 5)~ In re Com_Dlex Asbestos Liti_eation, KMP/I, 232 Csl.App.3e at p. 600.) A superior court has no inherent or statutory lower to control the conduct of persons in Judicial proceedings pending or later to be brought before a different court, and indeed is not permitted to interfere with the process of another court of equal jurisdiction in a case properly before the latter. (~) This is s matter of fundamental comity between courts, which should not be set aside in w~at would amount to an ineffectual effort to enable Scientolog~, in one.single proceeding, to prevent Yann~ from ever using confidences he obtained while serving as attorney to assist its adversaries in any proceeding at any time. sum, the injunction was both duplicative o~ existing remedies and beyond the court's Jurisdiction. It was therefore properly denied. The Cour~ Di~ Not AbuseIts Discre~ion in Denvino Scientoloov The Opportunity to~en~ Its Complaint. SCientology contends it should have'been afforded the OpportunitY of amending its complaint to allege actual is e~ of confidences a d closur . As general matter, a motion for Judgment on the pleadings should not be granted without leave to amend if facts are alleged which would entitle the plainti. ff SENT DY: (310) 203 8334 ; 1-12-94; 9:50 ; LAW OFFIGES F, P, Y&W-, 16. to relie~ under any theory. (_ConC_er~e~ Citizens o~ Costa Mesa. XJ~AAV. ~2nd Diet, A_criCultural ~2sn. (1986) 42 Cal.3d 936; ~E v. Ci~W.O~ Lns Annelse (1974) 11 Cal.3d 113, 118.) However, under the specific circumstances o~ this case, ScientologF could not possibly have amended its complaint to s~a~e a ca'~se o~ action ~or damages Eor Yanny'a aliagad breach o~ duty, w:~ere Scientology had~ that it did~ base any claim ~pon any alleged disclosure o~ confidences, and that the existe:~ce or nonexistence o~ any such disclosures would be an issue in the case. In ruling on the motion ~or ~udgment on the ple~dings, the court could take Judicial notice o~ the sttpulatic~. (~v. Resolution Tr~st Ccr~. (1992) 4 Cal.App.4t~ 857, 877, and cases cited therein~ ~v. Western ~acAr~h~r Co., ~, 192 Cal.App.3d at p. 955.) could any ~osSible amendant o~ the complaint have entitled Scientology to the broad injunction it sough~, for such ~elie~, as we have observed, was'be~nd the cour['s Jurisdiction. ~der these circumstances, the court did not abuse its discretion in entering Judgment on the pleadlngs wit~ut leave to amend. The Judgment is affirmed. Costs on appeal are awarded -to Yanny. ~OT~_BE PUBLrS~ ~OS~Y, Acting P. J. We concu~=j HINZ, J. 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