------------------------------------------------------------------- F.A.C.T.Net, Inc. (Fight Against Coercive Tactics Network, Incorporated) a non-profit computer bulletin board and electronic library 601 16th St. #C-217 Golden, Colorado 80401 USA BBS 303 530-1942 FAX 303 530-2950 Office 303 473-0111 This document is part of an electronic lending library and preservational electronic archive. F.A.C.T.Net does not sell documents, it only lends them according to the terms of your library cardholder agreement with F.A.C.T.Net, Inc. ===================================================================== DEPROGRAMMING The Constructive Destruction of Belief A Manual of Technique Dedication To Ted Patrick, the first Deprogrammer, and Bob and Cheryl who finally made it 'Out.' FOREWARD There has been a marked increase in public awareness regarding the subject of Deprogramming in Great Britain. Recently FAIR (FamilY Action for Information and Rescue) organized a visit to this country by American Deprogrammer Carl E. Waranowski who gave details of US methods to FAIR members. There has also been some media coverage on the need to Deprogramme cult enembers. POWER (People's Organized Workgroup on Ersatz Religions) feels that the time is now opportune to set the wheels in motion for getting Deprogramming underway, To this end POWER has or- ganized this course as an introduction to Deprogramming and has prepared this manual based upon techniques as they are practiced in the USA. This manual is intended to serve as a very basic outline. Talks will be given to amplify the points made here as well as providing an opportunity for interesting personal anecdotes to be related to participants. DEPROGRAMMlNG Introduction Although well established in the USA the subject of Deprogramming is relatively new in Great Britain, Howeycr, with the growth of ersatz religions in this country, some method is needea to combat the pernicious influen4;c they increasingly exercise over the young and guiliblc, Depro- gr@mminj is such a weapon. Why is Dcprogramming neco@? In order to undersand wliy one mu$E rirst define Deprogram- ming. Dcprogrammirig is the skilled application of any technique necessary to bring about in a subj@t tile total rejection by him of those attitudes, beliefs, ideals and loyalties which are considered undesirable. In addition, their re@lacement by those qualities that are considered necessary. At this time subjects are usually young people and those seeking deprograrnming 3ctions are their parents c)r close relatives. This will, no doubt, change as the greater possibilities of Depro- gramming are recognised- So why is Deprogramming, or Deprog as it is known amongst prorcssionals, necesury? Times have changed and whert youth at orie time uzed to got involved in more or less hamless, ic boisterous, physical activities such as motor cycle gangs, hooliganism and street fighting etc. as a passing phase, these days the emphasis is on irivolvcment in beliefs and ideologies. This would be harmicss cnougli if the spectra of mind-con trol was not entered into it as is the can in ersatz religions. It is a well-established idea that Society has a duty to protect its citizens. Equally parents and relatives have a duty to protect their young ones, even from themselves and against their wishes it this is optimum. The flower of youth must be protected if it is to flourish and blossom into a maiurc and sane adultl-.ood. For this no price is too heavy. This theri is what makt!s De-prog necessaq arid it ii the evil tliat the Deprogrammliig Technician (Deprog Tech) works to root out. The Technique In the normal course of events the Deprog Tech will be approached by ilic parents, clo$6 relatives or friends of. tao 5mbiect who is involved in a cult. These become the Technicians clients but the relationship, while profewonal is also personal as the :lien is depend on tho Tcrhnician for their peace of mind. Ot@ring the initial contacts it will bc f43tind that t)iL, cll,!iiii art: in a con(used state re&arding the sleps that lhcy sould he taking. It is, Ilierefore, tiic d@ity of the Technician to pacify thcrn, rg- muris tii,;m and uide tlicrh into a rdalisation that a Deptaii can return tlicir loved one to th#fn. In n oalris, the lochiiiiolan should bring all his po, d s(:iefitiflc ktiowledit to bdor IA order to win bla allojits avdt u nm itt lnd to tallow, bccauxe Dieprogrummln$ cun be tliwort4d by iL cip@, hrough to thd atid, Nitedl,ist to.-wy. tlii,,4 cun cause fin;iiioial liardsliii) t I 11,; riinician. I I;) n$ rti I ly vit@l 11 i ishod tlig l@ 4sl4; rciationsh ip b,: t wq:cn I @ i iiis4; I f onLI Ii Iii cl i@ n t@4 tllc 1.@ll rtici&in now .1110yes 0 a to ;i @ rucial asp" t o l' t tic t)L Prograin I 11 inig. T) i Is is tli-; stuor wh@rg lia In ust, w i tlt a lit [lairivoiv o,,,en t or himscir as possible (forobyloki, leg@il reason@), Ii uvt! tII4 Clion titIii3rnag[VO& uiid vx"tiio. 1111/2: liliy-iii;al :xtrai;tion fkiN@i;illy iiiv(lltiiii@irily) 01' the I'rgiii tliv str@lnjjlc. hold 01' Ill%: &to%AP. A uwt'ul mt!111041 ori)cL:oiiiPI i.Iiiliki t11i.4 andstouring %:Ici4r ot*cot-n piicutionn is rot tliu Tuchiiivian to fully II)L.. cli@,nt!i On rusus PNVIOUSIY U,4@d to tr!4;k $Ub@4:43S into piiicing thcmsclves tcmrwr-.irily out of flit: control of a group and undvr clic (:Ozitrol ol clienti, 3 - Technicalty@ illis could bc de@ribed as kidnapping. Siii,:t! th@,e @ always tile possibility that til,! police will be called iti at this or a later stage, the Teclini,;@an will need @o be alert to certain factors in his favo@r. Th@ principal of these is the dread the police have of becoming involved in domestic dispures, They usually make every effort to ivoid being dragged in. and, if forced to act, attempt to maintain the neutral role of simply reslorirg calm and preventing hostilicies, it is therefore wise, should this occur, for the Technician to remain in the background as much as possible, allowing police attention to be focused solely upon the domestic conf@ision con- fronting them. "nie possibility of police intervention should also act as an iri(:entive to the T,:chiiician to accom- 'plish a secure, rast arid successful Deprog since this will produce a graterul and iormalised subject only too alnxioos to see Etie clients and the Technician as me source of hi5 salvation. There are two types of involvement in ersatz religions, those in which the subject lives at home with Iiis family and attends activities of the cult and those which require toial participation by the kvbject inciliding absence from the family unit and severance of all ties. In both cases a con- vint;i@ng strategei-n is needed, but in the latter there are, obviously, greater obstacles to be over- come. Using a real or artificial funlily crisis (such as me sudden death or serious illness or somc- onc clo@ to ilic subject) the subject can be tricked into leaving tli@ cult's centre and forcibly taken by tife parents to the Depro& site. One very succ@Ful ruse has been used in the USA. [n this case the parents contacted the subject and, appologising for previous upsets, declared that they now und,:rstood the subject's viewpoint and proposed a reconciliation over dinner on neutral ground. The subject was met by the parents and after entering the parents car was overco= and driven off io ihe Technician. Needless to say a satisfactory Deprogramming was achieveil, with the subject eventually expressing much gratitude. The Technician must always have at least one Deprogrammiiig Assistant for the sessions to follow. The Assi shOLild be of a sizeable stature and very fir. Recruitment should be conducted carefully so as to exclude the criminal element. Ideally a Technician or Asst will have a background as a former policeman, prison warder, male nurse (rnenral) or a cule membvr. In the first tlirce cases, the person will liiive ]lad training and experience enabling them to handle subjects with under- standinC, but iisplaying an Iron flit ifi 1 velvet glove. Tie lagt-naMCd will, Uf COLtrig, 11AY0 f@il famili@ty Witil the evil and its curr- The initial con(rontation will include the subject, ihe clientls, the Technician and the Asstls@ The puipose of this meeting is to corivirlce the subject that he is faced with a united rront and has no possibic allies to assist him iri a contemplated escape, It will also serve to silow that the Tt:rlinician is acting with me full approval of the clients and the subject will, by sheet rorce of numbers, be completly doniinated. At tile conclu5ioll or the initial conrrontation the clients will depart leaving the sub*t ift the hands of (1@c Technician and Iiis Asst/s. Wililst it is JIWLI@ll 60cdigary. as Wo IIILVO SOL,,n, for (lie clients to particip4t* in the initial stalot of (1141 1)1/2;ptog. tj@v l'o@lirilk;i;im sliould discourage, and it nect!ssary rarbld thorn mom being prestrit dLitini tliJ SUCL:Ocdlng stagwi of tlio Deprogranirning wli,,ii flit age 6( s@ientiric streuiinducdmenc grid uiitl otli,;r leci@iiiqlles 4;OUILI. illrougli ignorance, bL! so ea,,Iiy i-.iisunderstood by me anxious client. ,r(irutigilukit iii,; %4&siong rtill u@4& should be majo ol'tli@ liriylcipli, ol'oppositos- In tliit ;asd tlto I,"Illli,:ian will lll&iy tita part ol'a sympatllctic, WoLild.l)g fritind trying to help the subl.:ct and the As.4t/s will litkz on a nioru $LilfCn Ond Ulil:OMPfCnliSlMg role. liiils iiiittirially alto two plia.%cs, III)aic Ono is c;onccrned with taking tllo sulj,!ct lrotti liill alieilatioii froili ilic I'aiiiily (as a cult iii@iiiD%:r) tlirovgli to total renunciation where tliv 4ut)ject i@ both pliysicully aii(i nientally exliLLusted with personlif conflicts and drives neutrallsed. (At this stagi! the skibject can bi: likened to a new-born clilid needing only love and education to mould Iiis personality, This latter is accomplished by clie clients in Phase Two, 4 - Th@re dre certain ba@ic: @rid fuiidameritals rel@ting to Phase One which are alw@ys pr@sent, The father of Deprogramniing Ted Patrick, has perform,:d @n incaluable @ask in using and rt!f-ining a number of techniques. These consist of the followirig! Food Termination TlirOLiallOUE li@is phase, Elie subject is given no fooli and tile. only tluid allowed is wator. As the Deprog U$LlatlY Only lasts a rew days. tlicre is no danger ol@ the subioct suffering too seriously from a medical point of view'., However, should it @oiitiriu@ ror a course of weeks, small quan- 'ties of food sliould be given to the subject, where possible as a rewztrd for making progress. 'F@he subject should be informed that rood will be for@coming as soon as his resiseance is broken down. Sipep Withdrawal The subjecl is @llow@d no sleep during the Deprog, NVI)en tli,: subject NIIS asicep, lie should l@@- immediately awakened. There are several metlieds for ensuring illat the subjOCL stays awake. Sonic of thses are physics) discipline, @bbing subject down with ice-cubes, packing ice-cubes under subject's armpits and on the nape of the neck, milking tlic. subject stand upright without iupport so that when he falls asleep he drops to the ground waking himself up again or Ehrowing the subject into the air and letting him fall to the ground. The main objective is to ensure that the 5ubject gets no steep and it is le(t to the Technician and his Asst/s to achieve this, Shame-inducement Through Nudity At some stage in the Dep.-og this technique may be used. The subject is stripped with the assis- tance of the Asst/s. Most subjects art;very body conscious and having to stand naked in front of their opponents causes a person to become a temporary introvert. The Asst/s must also take advantage of Ehis weaknm to bring home forcefully-to the subject even the smalliest flaw in his physical make-up. It should be noted-that the subject must be accompanied when making any visit to the toilet. APart From this, by the way, no other hygiene is allowed, Physical Correction This is a very sensitive area heavily mociated, in the public's mind,.witli punishment. 6reat difficulty can be predicted for any attempt to point otit the wide gap between the two for the benefit or p@rents or authorities. The usual outcome of such attempts will be greater misuiidcr- standing and emotional upset together with a lessening of respect for the Technician and the subject of Deprogrammirig itself. For these reasons w@ advocate a rirrn policy of no public discussion. If a s@tement has to 1)(r mitde wQ advise that the response should be an emphatic denial that physical rnelliods of this niiturt! are t:ver employed or, indeed, that they have ev;;n been contemplated. Within tlie pro- fes,iion. however, we all know that ft6m time to time it will be fou.-id necessary to use pliysical corrt:L:tion on a subi4t3 of uither sex, Of course, we also know how diff-i"lt it can be rQr a Tccffniciiin to bioins him@f to do it, but do it lie miust. and it is a mark of his disciplined ap@ rout:ll that hot @$ Ablo to appl@ it iri a clinical (iisl@ion without lapsing Into the use *(brutal OXCOICS. It go@1/2 Willi0kiL baying that in keeping with tii4 abovo approach any physical coertiction slioui4 be adiiiinistt:rt:d Aiith as little. bruising @ possibic anJ thw uyoidanc%: of fractur,:s or intvrnal injtiriL!S. VvrbL41 Str%:ts It is a hiibik; rillo 111411 tlirougliout I)Ila@C OMU tile SLII)jl!,:L i4 @@ilijuc@L@d to a torruiit oi'vcrli&ll uLlviQkl delivcrt:d at inaxirlitlm volume and iniiiiinum disilinvu. It i-S recoiiienli,;kl that %;Ic.CLrOniC ;ilni5- lit-ication be umpioyud in order to k"P the stress on tlie'Tcchnician to tlie, minimiaiii wililst 5 - ensuring maximum iitipact on @)ie subject. This verl,al lakes tile form Ot a Cre- qLientlY repeated patter of defogaiory statements [lie @ubject's atlegiarice @o tlie cult, its beliefs and leader5. Obviously this also con@ins anythiri , :Isc Llic client wisi)es tlie $Llbjocts Depro&rammed from. The following are useful Additional topics used successfully by Tcd Patrick liimse,lr. Money: Showing the subject how the money going inio the @.roup passes mainly to the Icademhip, with very little reaching the lower levels. Fqmily: Pointing out how the'gubject was causing anguish to relatives and destroying the family group, God: Rerering to the Ica@s of the cult as gods and making it appear that the subject was acrely their dupe. Great emphasis sould be placed on degrading tlie leadem FreV Will: Arguing that the subjert and his follows are being totally controlled by the group, that they have no free will at all and that cliey are mindl@ robots. Willpowtr@ Emphasising that the Techniciazi his tram@ndous strength of will and stamina and has always triumphed in every Deprog he lias engaged in. No matter how hard the subject tries he will be unable to keep intact his own beliefs. On ocrasion it will bc found that the subject seeks to withstand persuasion by reciting or charit- ing Ilymns, crecds, mantras or prayers c(c. A useful rtictliod of @uring this tendency, as discover- ed hy Ted Patrick himself is to rill the subject@'s mouth with ice cubes ensutin-. Chat the subject cannot spit them out. In another case, Ted retrick used photos of cult leaders in place or toilet paper in front of the subject, l@ing to an immediate and total breakdown of the subject. These two examples are Siven to i]IUStTatc that the Technician neeas to be imaginative, resourceful and flcxible in his attitude. Destruction of Holy Works, A v@ry eff@tivcts and necessary st@p in overcoming a subje,;t's resistance by means of shock is the destrui;tion ol' tlie cult's holy works by Tire. This requires chat cue b,)ok's and other liroratiire are a,:tually burned in full view of the subject. The cfrect is to break down routine thought-patterns. Use of fire c-an have an hypnotic effect on subject and achieves, in addition; the necessary result of destroying Lhe material so that it is no longer accessible to the subjeg during Plias,! Two. lilies,: One can tLke from a few days to a rew weeks to compicte. Needless to say, the Technician and Iiis Asst/s need to operate a shift system so that at least ont! of them is constantly with the subiv,ct in ordur to prevent escape or suicide etc. It is csseiiiial that llliase Oiic is completed berorc Pliase Two is commenced. The Tcclinician can easily recogniw tlie completion of Phase One by: 1) 'file docility of the subject. 2) The bialnknm [n the subject's eyes. 3) The guilioral lirsionneu of tlie stibiect, 4) Ablect fear. 5) The tatii renunciation of t)i4! clilt rornl,!rly iidlierod to by the sul)ject and vilincqtioil of its lcildets and s4!nior members, in@lud!Mg sigiitd statements rorlowncing tho beii,;i's. 0 A growing reall$4tion by tho stibje .ct t]Aac lia nag finally triumplied over iiis rorrnat irrationality. 6 - The above: Ilouid not tic rk:iied upon as iiiiii @)r,)ol oi tlie rejo@tlon of tlie cult, A can be made in order to rillly establish ilic :xa@t position. This @onsiszs 'Of liavlng ille Nubject voluntarily deltcate upon photographs of the @ult l@ders, copics ot' tlie !loly gospels of iliese cults and Other sacred artifacts, and s@coildly, writin,,, an abusivt! letter to Lhe leaders of i@e religion ridiculing iliem and announcing the subjt@t's dis4vowal. lJpoti successrul terrninariori of Phase One tlie T,!chiiician will be uble to arrange the happy reunion or tlie subject with 4is/lier fimily. Phase Two is entered upon with the rt:turn homc of ilic subject, During this time, known as ,"tloatiiig", the subject should be kept fully o,:@upied by Iiis parents or clo5e relatives. Re-riiotilding or re-education of tlie subject is l@l't entir@ly in tlie liands of tlie clients. The Tecli- nician sl)ould, of course, be willing to ol@fer Iiis advice to tlie cl@rits if it is required. lri the event of progress itirougli Phase Two proving to be slow or dil'l'u@ult the subject can be returned io Phase Otie at tlie Te,:Iiniciart's discr(!Lion- As tht! subje,:E has yet to find his feet and think for himself lielslic is still vulnerable and suceptible to contacts from the cult. The subject should .not be permitted to answer 'phone calls from the cult or mcce niembors for some time. It is best tirat lie is accompanied by at least one parent or relative, as much as possible during this stage. Emphasis should be placed upon the subject having piqnty o[ @leep, good diet and lots ofwtivity while he/she is" floating". Sex and the Deprog Tt!ch It cannot be sufficiently emphasised that parents or close rciatives should not attempt to conduct Deprograi,niiiing @ipon a family memser. Just as tlicy %v@rc originally unable or unwilling to pr& vent tlie sul)ject I-rom entering tlie cult. so they will.L)c unable to adopt, let alone maintain, the objectivity necessary to force tlie subject chrougli ne@ve-wri@@-ing sessions. Even if the parents or close relatives liad tlie nerve and stamina to carry otit Deprogramming they would, without doubt, be ujiublt! to cop,! with one stage that often ozcurs. Tlii@ i4 tlie sta-.,,: wlicr@ the 5ut)ject finds ilic I-ecliiiiciLiii to tie @exuilly attractive, a remarkably tin@able anki Lilll)rCdiciablc period in tlie Depro-@, iii@i 011@ @no@t fascinaiiiig ror Eli%! Tech- nician. Nothing in E[iC subject's character or past t),21ILIviotlr cuji be take,-i as a (let-inite indication of how tlie person will act during Eliis period, The i)oi inal scxiial Lirgc may intensify or diminish, or it may IIILlnif@t itsvil@ in the form of unu@al inctsliii@tioris (lictero- or homosexual). Furtli,:r, it may prove J,!slrable in order to sustain tlie reliitionsliip built til) bqtween ili@ Tecliniciin and stibjt!ct. to deliberately encourage or discotiragc aii alivance on the part of the subj,:i;[- No patent or close relative could, or indeed should, bg 6:xl)cctcd to do;il with a situacion of this nat- ur@. It takes ilic "p@rtisc and experience ol'a with Iiis dctache4and benevolent. viewpoint to kriow how best to licip tlie subject tlirOLigil this dil,ri"lt tirie, Tlicrc liav,; I)et!ii stories of subjects being lictero- or lioiiio-s,:xually taped by Tecliniciaiis, T[itse would hu lalililiabl1/2& il@ tlicy did not oecur willi 5ucii rcgtilariey. l@rlinkly, we rakist dismiss Ehege (toll' tli,!r willi I&ilov of statuitous vialin" or viciousjiu5s) as lialluciniktions dkpcrldnced by s",@ ocu wli. liuvo I'@lil,4LI to rqmploit) tlioit Disprogramming, or etlier vicious and deluded opporkenls Deprogriirnriting, li'llier,: ib uiiy ilibsiaiicc [o tllcts%@ storivs it will iiiN,ar@iit)ly be louiid to bc I)ast:d on tlie subject's igiioraticv til' [Ii,: Ic,:Iini(ILiLs ol' DevrolirLLliliiiiii@,. [-;ii r@ilie, wli@it tll,! 5ubject lilis cxl)eri@iiced is @iliiitln@ ilic ilil)li@atioii oi'@iggrc:NNiv,: @.N li@, (tilk: wiiiJi ire Ic@tit with ;Il@OVU). Ill 11@t: tlifiiioil ol'Elig s,:siiuns it i.@ lilirdly surprising ttlut li@is colle@ ion I-'Inank;ial @iicl L,:gLil Abp"ts Prov!Lliiia a Deprogruinniing takei; tim@ 4ind vi'l@arL ;iiill obviolisly costs imonly. Tlit; cotit 01' a I)t:i)rogr;irnming,1/21iould ol'i'sut the expenses 01' llic'l'vcliiiicilin ;4s well Lis providiiii; Iiis iii,;uinu. 7 - in Ted Patrick's case, Lliis can cost as much as 25,000 Dollars ( Z I @-,000), For someone starting a career as a Technician a realistic ree initially would b,: about C2,000, p@ subject. This can be increased as the Technitiari gains experience and establishes )iis repl'tation. The war against the cults can not be confined to a few large centers of populaiioti. it musc bc conducted nation-wide. Deprog unics must be established Ehroughout tJ)e coun@. ()ne of tl)e keys to Ted Patrick's success was his pionecring wor@ in building up such a network in the USA. Aficr four years and I 000 c@es he had, by 1975, built up a network or over 300 biglily trained Technicians, having started in 1971 on his own. It is strongly r,:commended that the Technician collects his full fee berore embarking upon any aspect of the Deprog. This safeguard is necessary because frequently clients will initially promise to pay almost any sum, bi4t after a successful completion will iry Lo haggle Ind claim tkat it was not as difficult or as lengthy as originally anticipated. Lega@a.spects hive been touched upon earlier, but it must bt! r"mphasised that tlie actual "kidn ap" has to be doric I)y the client in order to keep the Technician clear of legal entanglements, The clients should also be used as far as possible as 'security guards' (although not actually prc5ent during the scssons) to guard tlie subject, and therefore be tvie persons responsible for his/her imprisonment. It should be noted that the police tend to view cults and ersatz religions as potential threats to the State, cl)allenging, as they usually do, the status quo For this reason iliey will be biased in favour of tlie Teclinician and Iiis clients. In addition, being adults aild usually parents, they will nat;jrally. rend to identify and sympath@ witl; the client rather than the subject. Ted Patrick has, unfortunatly, had to wage fiom the beginn@, an unceasing battle in tlie US qokirtA a@iist tlie unenlightened aut)iorities WI)o continually attempt to prosecute and pcmecuti him. However, being a professional, Ted has managed to emerge relatively unscathed through &Ii this by an ijitelligent application of the legal guidelines set out above. Some Successful Cases ofdeprogramining Tlivrc is no question that DeprograTnming has liad many siiccessi!s in tlie United States and will be in@reiisiiigly used in etlier countries. As tlie r@ader will by now r.-@ised, rlicre c:in be no limits to tlie oI)Plications of I)eprog. Many iliotisands have been successfully carried out. here 3rc wmc of the routine, day-today casts as gleaned froin tlie press., We1/2 Lockwood, now aged 23 and 3 former member of tlie Protestant cult tlie Now Testament Missionary Fellowship whilst ajt@nior at Yale University, was seized by his parents i@nd Ted Patrick and driven off in a car. After a short and successful Deprog he is now bac.4 fibme with Iiis parents iii Los AngeleL (Ti@e, March 1 2. 1973) Debby Dudgeott, now aged 22, ba4 been 9 member or tlie United Cliurcli sinog lier ciii1dii0od, In liktt 1974,41aving b"ii a canycrt to Roman Catholicism for over a yeir@ Dtbby's pirents hired Ted P&atrick to DE@PIMMG their daiulh(ar, Ted tltw her From Canada to )ill nonis in tliv USA wil&:N lwc itiitl rout Assis started to work oii lief. Unrorikiiiat1/2:ly illis co"ld not be :omplewd liec@ikiscts I),,Ili)y li;id iiianiigccl to tell the CatiQcliitn Poli@,: tlikit slic wotkILI b@ goiic tor oilly two %Yc@ks. '['c,i iiid Iti@ teikiii wcr,:. tlioreforc, l@orced to rcl,!ase tlie girl and she has, regr,!ttzibly. re- tilriic,l to liol));)A Ciiijiolicisin. (Toronto Slat, MarL:li I 1, l)75) -Slilj,i;i ])()w iig,!(l 15, w:is p@iblic rcliations oi'ilcer ror tlie F)Ivin@ Light Mis@lon. Suc@e@ I'kllly iiy r@Ll l';itrik:k slit: lat%!r stat@d: Wlit!n I lookc;d 4t tlie Guru's picture two wo@ks ago, I (liotigiii )l,! wai Goti. When I look at it today, lie looks likc any otlicr Joe.' (Toronto Star, August 10,. 1974) P. 10 I;usan Judd, now aged 21, was a member of the Children of God cult. S"an was snatched by her mother from the Children of God commune and urid@rwznt one week of a succcssful Depr@ r,ram@r'S. Aftor her conversion, Su@ began working to assist in the Deprogramming of others. (San Diego Union, December 18, 1972) 1 The above successes illustrate the wide application of the techniques of Deprog. It can be safely stated that there is no belicter idew, relwous or o@rwise, that can withswd professional Deprogramming, Philosophical and Moral Questions These art no concern of thcTechnician and are best left to philosophers and moralist.$ to worry about. The mission of the Technician is simply to serve the interest.5 of his client with all his professional skill in return for a well-earned fee. His only other duty is to ensure that the subject is br4)ught to Lhe required statr- Wo wish you every success in your career as a Deprogrammer, Several groups in Great Britain are active in countering tile menace of the cults. Amongst "eir molny valuable activities they w4k to alert the public, and the Press and act as focal points in tho anti-cult campaign. As such they provide in ideal recruiting gTOUnd for future Depro c hqi iw as they are alrtady active in the stru&glo- Somc of these groups aro: p W R 0 F 6G Church(teld RoW FAIR c/o 'Ar. Paul Rose, House or Commons EVANGELICAL ALLIANCE 19, Draycott Place, SW3@ BRITISH HUMANIST ASSOCIATION 13 Prince of Wai,4s T@,I", W8. CHURCH OF ENGLAND (ENQUIRY CENTRE) Church House, Deans Yard, SWl DR JAML:$ DFCPORD'S ANTI tuLT CROLIP 44 old F.IvLt. Durham. Cleveland. Stludsted futher evading,'. PATRICK, T. - Let Our ChUdren Go! - E.P. Dutton, New York; 1976 WOI.PLI, J. and LAZARI)S, A. - Beliaviout Th@rapy Te;;hiiiques - Pergamon Prcss, Ncw York; REYNA, L.. - Canditioniiig -nierapies, Loaming Theory and Research - in WOLPF, I., SALTS? A, anj REYNA, L, - Cotiditionini ThOtal)its: The Chailt;ilge in Psychotheftpy - 1964 zu3BK, J., Cod) - Sensory D*pfivitiaAt Fiftoem Years of Ito-idar@h - Appleton-Contu@ratt, ; 1969 Now Yor Mc:GYIRL, 14. ;iid VALLANCti, M AytrsionTli@r@py by Llt;ctric Shock-. A Simpli:Tec:linique Brit. M@d. J. 1: 151, 1964 I'AYLOV, 1, - Conditioned Rcflcxos (trans. by G.V. Antgo) - Liveriglit, Now YQrk; 1927 LEUBA, ti. -- Tliu PsyQhology of lkolig[oLAs Mysticism - Kigan llaul, Trcinch, Trubdr, London-. 1029? Bi NET-SANGLE. C. - La folic dc Jesus (The Madness of Jc3us) - 19 1 0 SARC,,kNT.W.-Bat@icrortheMind-Heinm.ann,London@1957 ================================================================= If this is a copyrighted work, you are acknowledging by receipt of this document from FACTNet that on the basis of reasonable investigation, you have not been to obtain a copy elsewhere at a fair price, and that you are and will abide by the following copyright warning. WARNING CONCERNING COPYRIGHT RESTRICTIONS: The copyright law of the United States (Title 17, United States Code) governs the making of photo copies or other reproductions of copyrighted material. 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