------------------------------------------------------------------- F.A.C.T.Net, Inc. (Fight Against Coercive Tactics Network, Incorporated) a non-profit computer bulletin board and electronic library 601 16th St. #C-217 Golden, Colorado 80401 USA BBS 303 530-1942 FAX 303 530-2950 Office 303 473-0111 This document is part of an electronic lending library and preservational electronic archive. F.A.C.T.Net does not sell documents, it only lends them according to the terms of your library cardholder agreement with F.A.C.T.Net, Inc. ===================================================================== ADMINISTRATIVE CODE:A2 SECURITY CODE:GP DISTRIBUTION CODE:PDMCF NAME FOR BBS: Key Anti Dianetics, Anti Scientology Articles, Resource, and Reference Materials. SORT TO: EXIT/GENERAL CONTRIBUTOR: IMHO-Lawrence Wollersheim LOC. OF ORIG: Contact Lawrence Wollersheim NOTES: UPDATED ON: UPDATED BY: Updated 8/30/89 Subject: Key Anti Dianetics, Anti Scientology Articles, Resource, and Reference Materials. To whoever might use these materials; My name is Larry Wollersheim I have had some measure of success in fighting Scientology over the last 10 years.(See Enclosed Articles and Appeal Decision, ie. 30 million dollar and 2 1/2 million dollar court judgment as well as precedent setting first amendent decisions in my favor.) My success has been based on three simple factors which has proven extremely difficult for the Scientology cult to cope with, these factors are education, law and teamwork. To assist with education, I have enclosed my Anti Scientology Book, Article, and Defensive resource and reference lists. They have been asterisked where I personally felt these materials were most condensed, useful, and easy to read. Law, I've always taken the position go for establishing the higher court precident first then broaden the precident by taking it to higher courts then, finally deal with compensation. (See enclosed legal section.) Teamwork, having the support of a team of family, friends, personal minister, and qualified professionals familiar with the related problems in dealing with Dianetics and Scientology is essential to the sustainability of your efforts until victory is reached. I would hope that you would spread and use the enclosed information freely. Particulary to encourage the victims of cults to use the example and legal predidents of my recent victories and the other recent anti cult court victories to stand up and fight back for their legal rights. The active and theraputic process of standing up legally to my former oppressor and abuser has offered me not only a ethical channel for my anger to disapate in, but more importantly the opportunity to beqin and move forward with the transition from decieved and manipulated victim to the more active and causitive role of legal exposer, container of a present danger, and future preventor of such wrong doing. All done legally through the establishment of new legal precidents and prohibitive financial penalties. And finally, victory in the courtroom-itself offers such a relief, joy, and restoration of lost self confidence that I am convinced that justice itself s a tremendously powerful healing therapy. Whenever individuallv prudent it should be the natural simultaneous adjunct to t~aditional, cult exiting therapies and counseling. Larry Wollersheim c/o Robert Lawrence P O Box 10910 Aspen, CO 81612 P.S. Please also feel free to distribute or recopy my enclosed "After appeals court press release" to all appropriate individuals, newsletters, and computer bulletin boards. It's time for ex-scientoligists to stand up and solve the Scientology abuse problem. REFERENCE BOOKS ON SCIENTOLOGY With asterisks are all Scientoloy related, without asterisk are only partially Scientology related. 1. Appel, Willa. Cults in America. Programmed for Paradise. New York: Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, 1983. 2. Bromley, David G. and Shupe, Anson D. Stange Gods: The Great American Cult Scare. Boston: Beacon Press, 1981. 3. Burrell, Maurice C. The Challenge of the Cults. Grand Rapids, Michigan, 495~6: Baker House, 1982. 4.* Conway, Flo and Siegelman, Jim. Snapping: America's Epidemic of Sudden Personality Change. Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1978. 5.* Cooper, Paulette. The Scandal of Scientology. New York: Tower Publications, 19~1. 6. Evans, Christopher. Cults of Unreason. New York: Dell Publishing, 1975. 7. Larson, Bob. Larson's Book of Cults. Wheaton, Illinois: Tyndale House Publishers, 19~2. 8.* Malko, George. Scientology: The Now Religion. New York: Uell Publishing Company, 19/~. 9. Petersen, William J. Those Curious New Cults. New Canaan, Connect]cut: Keats, Publ~shing ~ompany, 197~. 10. Rudin, James and Marcia. Prison or Paradise? The New Religious Cults. Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1980. 11. Vosper, Cyril. The Mind Benders. London: Neville Spearman, 1971. 12.* Wallis, Roy. The Road to Total Freedom: A Sociological Analysis of Scientology. New York: Columbia University Press, 1977. 13.* Lamont, Stewart. Religion Inc. Available by Publisher Harrap Ltd. 19 - 23 Ludgate Hill London. EC4M7PD, 198~. 14.* Corydon, Bent and Hubbard Jr., L. Ron. L. Ron Hubbard Madman or Messiah. Published by Lyle Steward & Co, 1987. 15. Miller, Russell. Bare Faced Messiah. London: Michael Joeseph Penguin Book Ltd, 1987. Note: The indexes of these books provide an excellent cross referencing of Scientologoy events, sources, and people you may want to find for legal or personal reasons. ARTICLES ON SCIENTOLOGY OR OTHER APPLICABLE MATERIAL. 1.* Conway, Flo and Jim SieSelmon. The Information Disease. Science Digest. January 1982. 2.* Singer, Margaret and Ofshe, Richard. Definition of Brainwashing. 3.* Singer, Margaret. Coming out of the Cults. Psychology Today. January 1979. 4.* Singer, Margaret. Cults What are They Why Now. Forecast for Home Economics. May/June 1979. 5. Lifton, Robert Jay. The Future of Immorality. Chapters Called: "Religious Totalism and Civil Liberties" and "Doubling the Faustian Bargain". Bosie Books Inc. 6.* Comprehensive Textbook of Psychiatry III. The Sections on Dissociation and Hypnotism. 7.* Miller. The Utilization of Hypnotic Techniques in Religious Conversion. (Available through Richard Ofshe PhD.) 8. Bainbridge and Stark. Scientology: On Being Perfectly Clear. (Available through Richard Ofshe PhD.) 9.* Ofsche and Singer. Attacks on Peripheral versus Central Elements of Self and the Efficacy of Thought Reform. (Available through American Family Foundation.) 10.* Lifton RJ: Thought Reform and the Psychology of Totalism. New York, WW Norton and Co, 1961 11.* Schein EH: Coercive Persuasion. New York, Norton, 1961 KEY ANTI SCIENTOLOGY GENERAL NEWS ARTICLES 1. The St. Petersberg Times 1980 Pulitzer Prizer Winning Expose on Scientology. (34 pages.) 2. Forbes. October 27, 1986. The Prophet and profits of Scientology. (7 pages.) 3. Time. January 31, 1983. The Mystery of the Vanished Ruler. (4 pages.) LEGAL MATERIALS 1. Cultism and the Law. Newsletter put out by American Family Foundation. Excellent legal resource and current summary of legal matters and new precidents in anti cult matters nationally and internationally. 2. Delgado. Gentle and Ungentle Persuassion Under the first Amendment. (Available through American Family Foundation.) 51 So Cal Law Rev 1, 1977. 3. My case materials will assist any lawyer to drastically reduce their legal costs because Scientology's standard court room procedures and motions are revealed in detail, but most importantly our successful counter moves and answers are contained as well. In our case records you will literally see hundreds of standard motions Scientology makes to protect its key interests and/or fears. Motions in many cases that have gone on to the appeals court, state supreme court and supreme court. Motions standardly repeated over and over by them in cases brought against them all over the country and world. Since they will try to bury you in standardized "legal paperwork" much like the legal strategy a cigaret company uses. This valuable time and expense saving success resource could be inexpensible to your legal efforts ultimate success. SOURCES OF MY CASE MATERIALS A. California Appeal Court Decision Wollersheim vs. Church of Scientology of California C.A. 2nd No. B023193 July 18, 1989 By Johnson J. (57 pages.) B. Superior Court Materials Superior Court of the State of California County of Los Angeles Case No. C332827 (25,000 pages.) C. Last resort only, written request to my attorney for specific references to motion and other materials. OTHER RELEVANT MATERIALS 1.* Hoffer, Eric. The True Believer. Book. 2.* Udolf. Handbook of Hypnosis. 3. Stoner, Carroll and Parke, Jo Anne. All God's Children. Radnor, Pennsylvania: Chilton Press, 1977. 4. Haynol, Andre. Fanaticism. et al Publisher Schoken books New York. KEY DEFENSIVE MATERIALS The following is a list of VITAL materials that will help you understand how Dianetics and Scientology according to their own internal and secret policies tends to deal with their advesaries in a conflict. Knowing it in advance you can save yourself a lot of difficulty. 1.* Wollersheim, Larry D. The Original "Wollersheim vs. Scientology" Affidavit of Larry D Wollershiem on Scientology Tactics. 1979-80. Available through Charles O Reilly Law Firm. (About 100 pages.) This affadavit will give you an immediate overview of Scientology's attack procedures. Tactics and references are discussed with counter strategies. For a quick understanding of Scientology's inner workings and "culture" this is a must for exit counselors. An excellent description of what it's like to be inside Scientology's belief culture, psycologically. 511 Wilshire Blvd, Santa Monica CA 90401 (Written requests only.) 2. Felix, Christopher. A Spy and His Masters. Published by Seeburgh and Worburgh. 1963. "A L. Ron Hubbard Spy Training Favorite." 3.* Tzu, Sun. The Art of War. (Current Best Seller and Scientology's "intelligence bible".) Available at most bookstores. 4. The Guardian Office Full Hat. (Several hundred pages.) Available through the "Freedom of Information act" from the FBI. The following list of documents were siezed by the FBI on its authorized search of Scientology's headquarters in LA and Washington DC. They are all obtainable using the freedom of Information act, request procedures. Complete sets have also been sent to the three anti cult organizations mentioned near the end of this document. 5.* Write up of May 1, 1974. Regarding Security and Theft of Ma~erials. (How to for, breaking and entering procedures.) 6.* Write up December 2, 1974. 7. L.R.H. Aides Conference. November 2, 1969. Covert Operations. 8.* Intelligence Specialist Training Routine. TR-L (Intel TR's, How to lie effectively.) 9.* FBI Document #8592. 10.* Red Box Data Information Sheet (Contains information on how to purge internal files of disinformation, non profit lobbying, and any information which would show that Church of Scientology motives were nonhumanitarian.) 11.* Operation Freakout. April 1 1976. (Church attempts to drive insane, incapitate, or jail critic using 5.5. and Gestapo like tactics.) 12. June 22, 1970. Compliance Report Regarding Charles Manson, Bruce Davis. (Manson went a bit wild on Auditing.) 13. March 9, 1970. Guardian Office Document Regarding Successful and Unsuccessful Actions. (Against adversaries.) 14.* Vetting Hat Write Up. March 9, 1975. (Proceduces for removing all legally actionable evidence from Church of Scientology files of entrapment, phone taps, posing as a government agent, haressment, etc.) 15.* Guardian Order #1150 May 7, 1974. Regarding Information Bureau Statistic. (Contains key Church of Scientology enemy lists.) 16. Document January 13, 1977. Excertion of Ira ( PC Files. (Sample of use of sex confessional material by organization.) 17. Dear Jane. November 3, 19~8. (It talks about destroying the World Federation of Mental Health.) 18.* December 6, 1968. Regarding Intelligence. (Talks about using infiltration, bribing, blackmail, robbery and buying information.) 19.* Operation Funnybone. (Covert operation against "Berrys World" cartoonist excellent example of their fanatical actions against percieved enemies.) 20.* HCO Policy Letter. October 18, 1967. Penalties for Lower Conditions. (The Infamous Fair Game Policy. See last section where enemies can be destroyed without any church penalties.) 21.* Racket Exposed. 22.* G.O. 121669. Guardian Order. December 16, 1969. Programme Intelligence Internal Security Observation. (Describes how they use all files and information including former members pre clear confessional files against them.) 23. G.O. 764 Intellegince its Role (Page 5 and 6 particularly describe the organization in its own materials as an intellegence service making comparisons to CIA MIG K~B-ish organizations, Hubbard brags "they are best intelligence service in universe bar none".) 24.* "Targets" Starts out, "The vital targets which we must invest most of our time are: T.1 Depopularizing the enemy to a point of total obliteration. T.2 Taking over the control or allegiance of the heads or proprietors of all news media. T.3 Taking over the control or allegiance of key political figures. T.4 Taking over the control or alligiance of those who monitor international finance and shifting them to a loss precarious finance standard . These of course are very long range targets. But it is what must be done. (This several page directive is one of the clearest examples of Scientology's secret goals and non religious intellegence/political nature.) 25. HCO PL February 1969. Confidential Battle Tactics. (Talks about their being at war. They must be unreasonable, and obliterate enemies. Also contains information on uses of black PR.) 26. G.O. 1206 June 22, 1974. The Snow White Program and subsequent progress reports. (Deals with a plan to place 5,000 Scientology secret agents in US Government as operatives.) 27. Intellegence Hatting October 17, 1971 The Strike. (More illegal covert intellegence gathering procedures.) TRUSTABLE ANTI CULT NETWORKS AND ORGANIZATIONS. 1. The 1988 Directory of Cult Research Organizations From Cornerstone Press 4707 N Malden St Chicago, IL 60640 312-989-2080 The 1988 "Directory" lists over 340 anti cult organizations world wide by specialty, location, etc. 2. American Family Foundation P O Box 336 Weston, MA 02193 3. Spiritual Counterfiet P O Box 4308 Berkeley, CA 94704 4. Cult Awareness Network 2421 W Pratt Blvd Suite 1173 Chicago, IL 60645 From sources #2, #3, and #4 are available other materials, catalogs, and references to and for all types of professionals familiar with handling various Cult problems from legal to psycological to ministeral. (If you have any additional materials you think should be on this Scientology resource list send copies to #2, #3, and #4 above. RECOMMENDABLE LAWYERS Charles O'Reilly (15 years experience, three court victories against Scientology, Plaintiff.) 511 Wilshire Blvd Santa Monica, CA g0401 1-213-395-6660 Note:He's very hard to get to take on new cases, almost impossible! Because of Security precautions he almost never answers questions from unknown attorneys or persons over the phone. All requests for information or assistance should be in writing. No one has beaten Scientology more or harder in the courtroom! Ford Green c/o Hubb Law Office 711 Sir Francis Drake Blvd San Anselmo, CA 94960 (415) 258-0360 PERSONALLY RECOMMENDED PROFESSIONALS. Dr Margaret Singer c/o Berkeley Therapy Institute 1749 Martin Luther King Way Berkeley, CA 94704 Dr Singer is one of the top world experts on cults and brainwashing. She is a Psycology Professor at UC Berkeley. She has testified as expert witness in many major trials including the Patty Herst trial. Because of her proven integrity, dignity and knowledge, the cults have grown to fear her presence even to the point of giving her the "respect" of the nick-name "The Samuri Grandmother". She is extremely busy and often difficult to reach or to get to take on new cases. Dr Richard Ofshe c/o UC Berkeley 488 Barrows Hall Berkeley, CA Dr Ofshe is a Sociology Professor at UC Berkeley with extensive cult and brainwashing educational experience. He has served as an expert witness at many key trials as well. Again like Margaret Singer he is often hard to reach and difficult to get on new projects, but when you get someone like these people on your team you can be reasonably assured that their depth of knowledge will slash through Scientology's pretence in the courts, their integrity is unpurchasable and they have enough proven "right stuff" to take the "heat", fear, and harassment common to dealing with cult groups of this type. PSYCOLOGICAL TIPS FOR SURVIVING HARASSMENT 1. Keep your sense of humor about their foolishness. 2. Use natural daily routines to help stabalize you. 3. Routinize your security precautions so they become unthink habits. 4. Quickly "compartmentalize" fears, worries, and mystery so its effect on the rest of your life is minimized. 5. Assume all conversations are being monitored all actions being watched, therefore "beat the game" by never saying anything you couldn't say on a courtroom stand and never get involved in anything that is not 100% by the rules or that you would want exposed. 6. Do 1 - 5 religiously and trust the uncontrollable circumstances to the Creator. The FBI and many governmental agencies already know about their set up tactics, so don't worry. 7. And finally, maintain your dignity inspite of their actions. Page 21 APPENDIX A Enroth R:The Lure of the Cults. Chappaqua, New York, Christian Herald Books,1979 Enroth:Youth, Brainwashing and the Extremist Cults. Grand Rapids, Michigan,, Zondervan Press,1977 Hunt D:The Cult Explosion. Ervine, Calif, Harvest House Publishers,1980 Patrick T,Dulack T:Let Owr Children Go! New York, EP Dutton & Co,1976 Petersen WJ:Those Curious New Cults. New Canaan, Conn, Pivot Edition/Keats Publishing,1975 Sparks J:The Mindbenders: A Look at Current Cults. New York, Thomas-Nelson, Inc,1977 Streiker LD:The Cults are Coming. Nashville, Tenn, Abingdon,i-78 Zablocki B: Alienation and Charisma. A Study of Contemporary American Communes. New York, Free Press/Macmillan,1980 Page 24 APPENDIX D Bauer RA:Brainwashing:psychology or demonology. J of Social rssues XX,13(3):41-47,1957 Beck F,Godin W:Russian purge and the extraction of confession. Translated by Mosbacher E,Porter D. London, Hurst and Blachett,i951 Becker K:I met a traveler:the triumph of Father Phillips. Ne~ York, Far~ar, Strauss and Cudahy,i9S8 Benson S:Clinical diagnosis and deprogramming techniques, brainwashing. Brainwashin~ 1977 Symposium at the John Muir Hospital, W~lnut Creek,Calif,May 21,1977 Biderman AD,Zimmer H:The manipulation of human behavior. New York,John Wiley and Sons,Inc,1961 Bonnichon A:Cell 23--5hanghai. The Month,i-32,1955 Brownfield CA:The Brain Benders:A study of th~ Effects of Isolation. New York, Exposition Press~1972 Bull 8T:When Iron Gates Yield. Chicago,Ill, Moody P~e~s,1955 Chen TEH:Thought Reform of the Chinese Intellectuals. New York, Oxford University Press,1960 Davies SJ:In Spite of Dungeons. London, Hodder & Slaughton,1954 Delgado-R:Religious totalism:gentle and ungentle persuasion under the first amendmen~. 51 So Cal Law Rev 1,1977 Dolgun A,Wilson P:Alexander Dolgun's Story. An American in the GulaS. New York,Alfred A. Knopf,1975 Farber IE,Harlow HF:Brain~ashing conditioning and DDD:debility, dependency and dread. Sociometry 20:271-285,1956 Farber SM,Wilson RHL:Con~rol of the Mind. New York, McGr~w-Hill,1961 Ford RW:~ind Between the Wor~d~. New York, David McKay,1957 Fran~ JD:Persuasion and Health. New York, Schocken Books,1961 Gaylin W:On the boarders of persuasion. Psychiatry 37:1-9,1974 Hinkle IE,Wolfe HG:Communist interrogation and indoctrinat10n of Page 25 "enemies of the states." AMA Archives of Neurology and Psychiatry 76:115-174,1956 Hunter E:Brainwashing: From Pavlov to Power. New York, The Bookmailer,1956 Hunter E:Brainw~shing in Red China. New ~ork, Vanguard Press,1951 Hunter E:Bra1nwashing: The Story of Men Who Defied It. New York, Farrar, Strauss6 Cudahy,1956 Lif~on RJ:Thought reform of Chinese intellectuals:a psychia~ric evaluation. J of Social Issues 13:5-20,1957(b) Lifton RJ:Thou~ht Reform and the Psychology of ~otalism. New Yo~k, WW Norton and Co,1961 London P:Behavior Control. New York, Harper & Row,1969 Malcolm A:The Tyranny of the Group. Totowa, New Jersey, Littlefield, Adams and Company,1975 Maloney JC:Psychic self-abandon and extor~ion of confession. International J of Psychoanalysis XX 36:53-60,1955 Mauss AL,Petersen D:Les Jesus Freaks et Retour a la Respectabilite ou la Prediction des Fils Prodigues. Social Compass 21(3):283-302,1974 Medvedev Z:Medvedev R:A Question of Madness. New York, Borzoi/Alfred A Knopf,1971 Meerloo JAM:The Rape of the Mind. New York, World Publishing Co,1956 Meerloo JAM:The crime of menticide. Am J of Psychiatry XX 107:5g4-598,1951 Meerloo, JAM:Pavlovian strategy as a weapon in menticide. Am J of Psychiatry XX 110:809-813,1954 Ofshe R:The social development of the Synanon cult:the managerial strategy of organizational transformation. Sociological Analysis XX 41(2):109-127 Ofshe R~et al:Social structure and the social control in Synanon. Vol~ntary Action Research XX 3~3):67-76 Richardson JT,Stew~rt M:Conversion process models and the Jesus movement. Am Behavioral SCientist XX 20(6):819-838,1977 Page 26 Richardson JT,Stewart M,Simmonds RB:Organized Miracles: A Study of Contemporary Youth, Communal Fundamentalist Organization. New Brunswick, NJ, Transaction Books,1979 Rickett A,Rickett A:Prisoners of Liberation. New York, Cameron Associates,1957 Rigney H:Four Years in a Red Hell. Chicago, Illinois, Henry Regnery,195~ Rogge OJ:Why Men Confess. New York, Thomas Nelson and Sons,I959 Santucci PS,Winokus G:Brainwashing as a factor in psychiatric illness. AMA Archives of Neurology and Psychiatry 74 ~ 16,1955 Sarbin TR,Adler N:Self-reconstitution processes:a preliminary repOrt_ Psychoanalytic Review 57:599-~16,1970-71 Sargant W:Battle for the Mind: A Physiology of Conversion and Brainwashing. New York, Harper and Row,1959 Sargant W:The mechanism of conversion. B~itish Medical Journal 2:311-316,1951 Sargant W:The Mind Possessed. New York, Penguin Books,1973 Schein EH,Cooley WE,Singer MT:A Psychological Follow-up of Former Prisoners of War of th~ Chinese Communists, Par~ I. Results of Interview Study. Cambridge, Mass, Massachusetts Institute of T~chnology,1960 Schein EH:Coercive Persuasion. New York, Norton,i9~1 Schein EH:The Chinese indoctrina~ion program for prisoners of war. Psychiatry 19:149-179,1956 Schein EH:The Chinese indoctrina~ion program for prisoners of war:a stud~ of att6mp~ed "brainwa~ing~" Psychiatriat 19:149-172,1957 Schein EH:Reaction patterns to severe, chronic stress in American army prisoners of war of the Chinese. J Soc Issues 13:21-30 Schein EH:Epilogue:something new in history? J Soc Issues 13:56-60 Schein EH:Brainwashing and totali~arianism in modern society. World Poli{ics 11:430-441 Schein EH:Interpersonal communication, group solidarity and social ~nfluence.. Sociometry 23:148-161 Page 27 Schein EH:Brainwashing. Cambridge, Mass:Center for Inter~ational S~udies, MIT,1960 Schein EG,Hill WF,Williams HL,Lubin A:Distinguishing charac*eristics of collaborators and resis~ers among American prisoners of war. J Abnorm Soc Psychol 55:197-201,1957 Schein EH,Singer MT:Follow-up intelligence data on prisoners repatriated from North Korea. Psychological Reports 11:93-194,1962 Singer MT,~enson S:Brainwashing Techniques and Results Achieved. Presented at ~alnut Creeks Hospital, May,1977 Singer MT,Schein EH:Projecti~ns test responses of prisoner of war following repatriation. Psychiatry 21:375-385,195~ Solomon T,Pines A:Brainwashing and Psychotherapy: The Case of Children in Residential Treatment. Paper presented at meetings of Western Psychological Association. Seattle, Wash, Apr~1,1977 Strassman HF,Thaler M,Schein EH:A prisonerof war syndrome:apathy as a reaction to severe stress. Am J Psychia~ry XX 112:998-1003,1956 Stypolkowski Z:Invitation to Moscow. London, Thames & Hudson,1951 ~ngerleider JT,Wellisch DK:Coercive prsuasion (brainwashing), religious cul~s and deprogramming. Am J Psychiatry 136(2):279-2~2,1979 Verdier PA:Brainwashing and the Cults. North Hollywood, Calif, Wilshire Book Co,1977 Walker RL:China under communism. Brave New World Revisited. Cited by Aldous Huxley,p 80 West LJ:Psychiatry, "brainwashing," and the American character. Am J of Psychiatry 120(9):842-850,1964 ================================================================= If this is a copyrighted work, you are acknowledging by receipt of this document from FACTNet that on the basis of reasonable investigation, you have not been to obtain a copy elsewhere at a fair price, and that you are and will abide by the following copyright warning. WARNING CONCERNING COPYRIGHT RESTRICTIONS: The copyright law of the United States (Title 17, United States Code) governs the making of photo copies or other reproductions of copyrighted material. Under certain conditions specified by law, libraries and archives are authorized to furnish a photocopy or other reproduction. One of these specified conditions is that the photocopy or reproduction is not to be "used for any purpose other than private study, scholarship, or research." 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