------------------------------------------------------------------- F.A.C.T.Net, Inc. (Fight Against Coercive Tactics Network, Incorporated) a non-profit computer bulletin board and electronic library 601 16th St. #C-217 Golden, Colorado 80401 USA BBS 303 530-1942 FAX 303 530-2950 Office 303 473-0111 This document is part of an electronic lending library and preservational electronic archive. F.A.C.T.Net does not sell documents, it only lends them according to the terms of your library cardholder agreement with F.A.C.T.Net, Inc. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Agency gives Narconon three-year accreditation By Sandy West The Arkansas Traveller, January 4, 1994 An organization that accredits re- habilitation centers throughout the United States recently granted three year accreditation status to Narconon Chilocco New Life Center. According to a press release from Gary Smith. president of Narconon Chilocco, the Commission on Ac- creditation of Rehabilitation Facili- ties (CARF), based in Phoenix, noti- fied him of the accreditation Dec. 27. The accreditation commission is a nationally recognized organization that surveys a variety of health orga- nizations -- from programs for the disabled to drug treatment programs. During legal battles with the state of Oklahoma, Narconon Chilocco pursued the CARF accreditation in order to "get a fair shake," Smith said in a telephone interview this morning. Because the state had changed its licensing laws, and Narconon was under attack from officials in the state mental health department and local Newkirk opponents -- chiefly BOb Lobsinger, publisher of The Newkirk Herald Journal-- Smith said outside accreditation became necessary. Some estimates put the cost of the two-year legal battle with the state in the millions of dollars. The center of the legal battle was Narconon's association with the teachings of L. Ron Hubbard and the Church of Scientology, and ques- tions about what some opponents characterized as experimental and unsafe rehabilitation methods, in- cluding saunas and vitamins. Narconon Chilocco was accredit- ed by CARF in 1992 for one year, typical of its first time accreditations. Shortly after the CARF accredita- tion the state apparently lost interest in continuing the court-battle and the Oklahoma Board of Mental Health _____________________________________ "We're enjoying a real good relationship with the majority of the peo- ple we deal with in Okla- homa," Gary Smith said. _____________________________________ voted to approve Narconon Chiloc- co. The firm bases its accreditation decisions on evaluations from pro- fessionals in the same field as the agency being accredited. For exam- ple, Narconon Chilocco was evaluat- ed by drug treatment professionals, who also made recommendations to Narconon for future improvements. Smith said being judged by peers in the rehabilitation field made the accreditation especially important, because of their knowledge of treat- ment programs. The accreditation kicks off what Smith said he believes will be a good year for Narconon Chilocco. After a period of depressed en- rollment during the legal battle, Smith said Narconon Chilocco is currently serving more than 30 clients. In addition, the agency re- cently kicked off a national advertis- ing campaign. An extensive training program, in which several Narconon graduates have enrolled, has begun, Smith said. The agency is also continuing fund-raising efforts to pay for ambi- tious renovation and expansion plans, in the 1800's Chilocco Indian School. Smith said recent progress has been enhanced by improving rela- tionships with area residents and au- thorities in Oklahoma. "We're enjoying a real good rela- tionship with the majority of the peo- ple we deal with in Oklahoma," Smith said. "It feels good. Real good." PAGE 2 THE NEWKIRK HERALD JOURNAL THURSDAY JANUARY 13, 1994 Editorial Opinion HAROLD'S JOURNAL BY RWL Well now, I see where a national magazine says that n favorite judge, Lemon Frimmin, is a sexist. Judge Frimmin, you remember, once announced that while he didn't know anything at all about the subject he was being asked to judge upon, he was somehow certain that I was an obnoxious, smart-alec so'n'so, even though we'd never met. The judge was shocked at the magazine allegation. Says the author of the story doesn't know what she's talking about. Says the lady doesn't even know him and is calling him names. Can't seem to understand that kind of behav- ior. Troubles him greatly, he says. Might even sue some- body over it. Now, I'm not saying Judge Ffimmin is a sexist. I'm saying he's got his little round head stuck so far up his law books that he can't see stupid when he falls into a pile. it. This guy is sharp as a marble. What goes around, comes around, Judge. lt's the stuff that causes erosion of respect for the judicial system. While our almighty Solomen are busy in their ivory towers impressing themselves and each other with their innovative wisdom, they fail to recognize the damage their wormy decisions are doing to the rest of us. From our vantage point in the real world where we have to live--I think you called it "the gutter," judge,--it is pretty obvious what's happening. Take the case of another judge who recently released four drug dealers, caught red handed with 4 kilos of crack cocaine, a mess of cash, and a couple of guns. This dipstick said the officer was arresting too many (fill in a color, it doesn't make any difference to people with common sense) drug dealers. What kind of signal to society is he sending? Cops have to arrest people by quota instead of by crimes. That (any color) folks don't deserve to be protected from (any color) drug dealers? That how evidence is obtained somehow changes what the evidence is? Good grief, judge, put yer brains in gear before runnin yer mouth. If a cop is doing wrong, punish the cop. Don't punish the rest of us by turning an obvious criminal loose. Thanks to judges who can do anything they wish and find some law to justify it, we have a society forced to live with judicial compromises that are neither just, nor fair nor blind. Just stupid. Any obnoxious, smart-alec so'n's can clearly see that. We need to get rid of the lemons. ================================================================= If this is a copyrighted work, you are acknowledging by receipt of this document from FACTNet that on the basis of reasonable investigation, you have not been to obtain a copy elsewhere at a fair price, and that you are and will abide by the following copyright warning. WARNING CONCERNING COPYRIGHT RESTRICTIONS: The copyright law of the United States (Title 17, United States Code) governs the making of photo copies or other reproductions of copyrighted material. Under certain conditions specified by law, libraries and archives are authorized to furnish a photocopy or other reproduction. One of these specified conditions is that the photocopy or reproduction is not to be "used for any purpose other than private study, scholarship, or research." 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For additional verification see image files contained in the file with same name and .ZIP extension. UPDATED ON: 3/9/94 UPDATED BY: FrJMc =================================================================