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Scientology and the Clearwater Police

Title: Scientology and the Clearwater Police
Date: Friday, 1 September 2000
Publisher: XenuTV
Author: Mark Bunker
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Disclaimer: This archive is presented strictly in the public interest for research purposes. All the copyrights of materials reproduced here are the properties of their respective owners.

This documentary was produced to demonstrate what I believed to be a clear bias against the LMT by members of the Clearwater Police Force who were on Scientology's payroll. Scientology snuck into Clearwater, Florida in 1978 under the assumed name of United Churches. Since then they have come to dominate the small town. I lived in Clearwater for two years, working with a group which was helping people defrauded and abused by Scientology. During this time, police officers started to accept ... [Read the rest at]