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Woman sues over damage to property

Title: Woman sues over damage to property
Date: Tuesday, 17 May 1955
Publisher: Gazette (Phoenix, AZ)
Main source: link (117 KiB)

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The Church of Scientology and others are named defendants in a $9,000 suit filed in superior court over asserted damage to a Paradise Valley home.

George Botsford, Scottsdale attorney, brought the action for Mrs. Estrid Anderson Humphrey, formerly of Paradise Valley and now of Abilene, Tex.

Other defendants include the Hubbard Dianetic Research Foundation, Hubbard Association of Scientologists International, and L. Ron Hubbard Sr.

BOTSFORD CLAIMS Mrs. Humphrey's Paradise ValIey house and property were extensively damaged by one or more persons with assertedly deranged minds who allegedly were placed upon the premises for care and treatment.

Named as defendants with Hubbard are several persons connected with the Church of Scientology which formerly was located at 806 N. Third St.

The suit alleges on Nov. 10, 1954, Johnny Franklin and Leigh Tucker Franklin, then known as Leigh Tucker, entered into a rental agreement with Mrs. Humphrey on the property.

MRS. HUMPHREY alleges glass was broken from the windows in the house and that casements were torn out, that electric fixtures were destroyed or pulled loose, and that holes were torn in the walls and ceilings.

Attempts to locate Hubbard failed but he was quoted as saying he had no official connection with the operation of the home.