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Rally against huge damage award // Scientologists cast protest as defense of all religion

Title: Rally against huge damage award // Scientologists cast protest as defense of all religion
Date: Thursday, 23 May 1985
Publisher: Los Angeles Times (California)
Author: Peter H. King
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PORTLAND, Ore. — Duane Wolcott lives at a Christian church here, earning his keep as a custodian. He decribes his principal occupation, however, as "street evangelist," and it is his belief that this week the mysterious hand of God tossed him a terrific career opportunity. The burly 49-year-old could be found at a park by the Willamette River, happily passing out Christian pamphlets to Scientologists attending a free concert by one of their own, jazz musician Chick Corea. "We feel God ... [Read the rest at]