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Letters: Article a gross distortion

Title: Letters: Article a gross distortion
Date: Thursday, 3 December 1992
Publisher: Chichester Observer (UK)
Main source: link (41 KiB)

Disclaimer: This archive is presented strictly in the public interest for research purposes. All the copyrights of materials reproduced here are the properties of their respective owners.

Sir, – In your issue of November 26, Brian Warren gives rein to Mr Atack's fantasy in an article about the Church of Scientology.

The publication is a gross distortion of the truth deliberately designed to whip up antagonism against the Church.

Why is Atack attacking a religious group which has freed over 100,000 people from the ravages of drugs and which puts more people on the road to total freedom than all other groups combined?

Mr Atack fails to mention that a series of his applications to join the Church were rejected and his vendetta against the Church is founded on a combination of "hell hath no fury like an applicant scorned. If I can't have Scientology then nobody else will".

Mr Atack's recklessness in distinguishing between the truth and falsehood is amply demonstrated by his wrongly attributing the heading of the article to Mr Hubbard. It was George Orwell, author of the book "1984" who wrote that the way to make a million is found a religion. Mr Atack accuses Mr Hubbard of being involved in black magic when it was Mr Hubbard who broke up an evil black magic ring in the late 1940s.

It is ironical that Mr Atack accuses Mr Hubbard of fantasising when he himself is doing just that. The Church continues to expand while Mr Atack joins the queue with others in their failed attempts to discredit the Church.

Barbara Bradley
Community Affairs Director,
Church of Scientology
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead.