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Captivity case may be tied to faith // Investigation: Church teachings may explain why a mentally ill woman was kept locked up in her Pomona home, police say

Title: Captivity case may be tied to faith // Investigation: Church teachings may explain why a mentally ill woman was kept locked up in her Pomona home, police say
Date: Saturday, 13 January 1990
Publisher: Los Angeles Times (California)
Authors: John H. Lee, John Johnson
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Alternate and/or complementary: link (139 KiB)

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Pomona police said Friday they are investigating whether beliefs espoused by the Church of Scientology led a family to confine a mentally disabled woman in a cell-like bedroom at a Phillips Ranch house. While stressing that neither the church nor its beliefs are under investigation, police said they want to know if Scientology practices could explain why the woman was kept in confinement. Police and Los Angeles County mental health workers discovered Marianne Coenan, 31, locked in a sparsely furnished room ... [Read the rest at]