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Short road to success // Investing: The Feshbach brothers of Palo Alto have made a fortune betting that stocks will go down. But critics question their short-selling methods.

Title: Short road to success // Investing: The Feshbach brothers of Palo Alto have made a fortune betting that stocks will go down. But critics question their short-selling methods.
Date: Sunday, 14 October 1990
Publisher: Los Angeles Times (California)
Author: Martha Groves
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Investing: The Feshbach brothers of Palo Alto have made a fortune betting that stocks will go down. But some critics question their short-selling methods. PALO ALTO — One quick glance around the Palo Alto offices of Feshbach Bros. suffices to show that this is no typical bullish investment firm. First, there are the bears: stuffed Teddy bears, bronze bears, ceramic bears, crystal bears, paintings of bears. Then there is the bust of the late L. Ron Hubbard, self-styled management guru and ... [Read the rest at]