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Entry was easy, say students

Title: Entry was easy, say students
Date: Thursday, 1 August 1968
Publisher: Scottish Daily Express (UK)
Author: Lorna Blackie
Main source: link (165 KiB)

Disclaimer: This archive is presented strictly in the public interest for research purposes. All the copyrights of materials reproduced here are the properties of their respective owners.

SCIENTOLOGY students, newly arrived from overseas, were still enrolling yesterday at the Edinburgh "Advanced Org" headquarters of the cult.

Two of the new students at the centre, where only the most advanced members go, described how they had come into Britain yesterday.

Mrs. Ruth Porsin (39), from Farmington, Michigan, said it took her less than five minutes to pass through Immigration.

"I said that I was here for pleasure and study," said Mrs. Porsin, who plans to stay for five weeks.

"I was only asked how long long I wag going to be here. Scientology was never mentioned. The immigration officer was very polite and very pleasant."

Mrs. Grace Coffins (61), from Detroit, arrived with her husband, Dr. Alan Collins, also experienced no difficulties.

"The immigration authorities wanted to know what I planned to do. I told them I was here for a holiday," she said.

"I expect to be in Edinburgh for about two weeks. This is a beautiful course."

A spokesman for the Home Office, in London, said yesterday that once such visitors had entered the country they could normally remain until their term of stay expired.

He added: "We do not ban a scientologist because he is a scientologist. We Just refuse admission to people coming as students of scientology."

At the Edinburgh college yesterday more than 150 students — an increase of 20 on last week's numbers — were taking courses.