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Scientist seeks your help in his research

Title: Scientist seeks your help in his research
Date: Friday, 8 April 1960
Publisher: Garden News
Main source: link (299 KiB)

Disclaimer: This archive is presented strictly in the public interest for research purposes. All the copyrights of materials reproduced here are the properties of their respective owners.

GARDEN NEWS readers are, by now, familiar with the research work of Dr. Ron L. Hubbard at East Grinstead In Sussex. A number of the useful results he has achieved have been published in this paper—only last week we announced his claims when testing different types of soil.

Now, Dr. Hubbard has asked Garden News readers to join in his experiments with him and to play their part in furthering scientific horticultural knowledge. He would like to hear from any reader who has any ideas on the scientific checking of traditional theories

Is there anything you have known of for years and which you have wondered, front time to time, if it is in fact correct? . If there is — join in. You may be Instrumental in bringing to light some great new fact or in destroying faith in some useless practice.

Take this recent case of the basic tests that we announced last week. How many people realised until then that sand is a first-class humus for lettuce, carrots, sweet corn and peas while fresh manure is about the worst?

With the co-operation of Garden News readers, Dr. Hubbard could prove or disprove any suggestions that you make. Send your suggestions to Experiment, Garden News. High Street, Stamford, Lincs.