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Detox program

Title: Detox program
Date: Friday, 5 October 2007
Publisher: Philadelphia Inquirer
Author: Art Carey
Main source:

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[Picture / Caption: Joe O'Sullivan, 42, of Queens, and his wife Helena, 33, talk with Jim Woodworth (right), the detox project's president, during a consultation. Joe O'Sullivan's has had health problems since 9/11. The framed towel had been used by patient Tom Bulger.]

It's become something of a medical mystery: This detox program shouldn't work, but it seems to. Nobody - from convention doctors to the patients - can explain why, but those suffering severe symptoms after exposure to debris kicked up by the 9/11 attacks have been able to regain their lives.

Patient No. 1, and a towel stained purple

By the time he started treatment, Tom Bulger figured that he had nothing to lose but the coughing, fatigue and other maladies. He was the first to get the treatment. Read his story

A sprite who was sapped of spirit

Jodi Bettis returned to an apartment that was deep in dust from the World Trade Center. And her health problems started immediately. Read her story

"I wished I had never gone there"

Bobby Morrill traveled to Manhattan to help clean up the mess. Soon, he couldn't even walk to a mailbox. Read his story

A skeptic, she's willing to give it a try

Lisa Gengo is willing to offer herself up as a human guinea pig. She was trained in conventional medicine, but has suffered since working in a makeshift surgical suite about six blocks from Ground Zero. Read her story