The Helena Kobrin Love Page

Martin Poulter doubts Helena Kobrin

From Tue Mar 26 17:50:07 GMT 1996
Newsgroups: alt.religion.scientology,
Subject: More Helena Kobrin falsehoods

Okay, given Helena Kobrin's track record, it's not that surprising, but I
want to emphasise that in her latest wave of threatening e-mail to Internet
users, she makes some demonstrably false claims which make her case look
much stronger than it actually is.

Here is part of one of her recent messages:

	     I have seen your posting soliciting copies of the NOTs pack
	to be sent to you.  You are apparently under the mistaken
	impression that it is possible to obtain a "legal" copy of these
	materials.  This is false.  The only way that these materials
	have *ever* left the custody of the few advanced Scientology
	churches which are licensed to have them is through outright
	*theft* for which the thief was arrested, convicted, and served
	time in jail in Denmark.  

Ron Lawley and Morag Bellmaine took the NOTS pack to which she refers. How
did they get it? They dressed up in sailor suits, walked into a
Scientology base and asked for the documents, which they were promptly given.
They later posted the materials back to Denmark. Is this "outright *theft*"???
Neither Ron nor Morag have been "arrested" or "convicted". One of their
friends, Robin Scott, spent a month in a Denmark jail on a charge of
industrial espionage (I think), *not* theft.

What grounds can she have that the Denmark incident was the only one in which
NOTS material left the custody of Scientology?

	     In suits brought subsequent to that theft, courts ordered
	all copies of those materials to be turned in to the courts.  If
	anyone still has a copy of those materials, it is the fruit of
	that theft and in violation of those court orders.  There is no
	*legal* copy of these materials in existence.

I'm sorry, Helena, but it won't wash. I have in front of me a copy of a
british High Court judgement from 8th March 1994. Plantiff is Church of
Scientology Advanced Organisation Saint Hill Europe and Africa. Defendants
are Scott, Lawley, Bellmaine and Bisbey. On page 5, His Honour Judge Sumner 
		"that the Plaintiff shall within 7 days of this Order being
	perfected give to the Second Defendant one copy of each issue of the
	NOTs documents which the Second Defendant delivered to the Plaintiffs
	Solicitors pursuant to the Order herein dated the 29th day of March
	1984" (Ref. for this seems to be High Court of Justice 1984 S No 1675)

This decision is under appeal. In a 1995 ruling, Scientology's application
to keep the material was denied:- I don't have the text of that. 
Ron still has not had the material returned to him yet, but we can see how 
far Helena's portrayal diverges from the truth.

For details of how to complain about Helena to the California Bar, read
MARTIN L: Postgrad. studying "Probability and Belief" at Bristol University
POULTER :          "I'm looking rather neuter, on my Fisher Price scooter."
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