September 8, 2001 - Kim Palmer

Picketers: Kaeli, Zeratul, Gregg, Keith and another person who shall not be named.

Today's picket started from the usual route - up early and off to Toronto to picket. We met at Starbucks (great coffee). We proceeded to the car and retrieved our picket signs. Headed off to the Org. Fairly good foot traffic this am - Toronto is currently hosting a Film Festival. Several honks and waves in our direction. In the morning there was George the official Scientology videographer and a women who was handing out DA Fliers with pics of 4 gentlemen if our acquaintance.

We found a copy of the flyer at the coffee shop across the street from the Org. Included in the flier was an ad "When life becomes a battleground, your MIND is your best weapon." Dianetics is the most popular and effective book on the human mind ever published." On the reverse :Find the answers you have been searching for on the human mind. Get your Copy of DIANETICS the Modern Science of Mental Health.
Hard Cover : $49.00
Paperback: $8.99
Free Introductory Dianetics Session - underneath that in tiny print it says "free with your purchase of the Book" he he

There is a list of Hubbard (tm) Dianetics Foundation Locations across Canada and a list of what causes questions - all of which can be correctly answered by:__________________________________. (critics can fill in any thing they want here). (sample question: What causes unhappy relationships?)

Anyway the picket was quiet and the day very warm and humid. We broke for lunch and repaired to the Artful Dodger. It was a pleasant lunch with friends and fun conversations. Towards the end of lunch an Ambulance and a Fire Truck stopped close by - we looked and it was for a victim of the heat who had collapsed outside a store next to the Org. While waiting for the Ambulance to leave Peter Ramsay walked by and exchanged a few words with us. We returned to the Org and continued our picketing. Peter Ramsay stayed away from us and was quiet. There was a fair bit of traffic in and out of the Org but they all appeared to be recruiters and or photographers. To make it interesting Kaeli and I decided to make it harder for them to get a photo of us and held our signs to make it harder for the photographers.

Keith stayed his usual 110 feet away handing out flyers and talking to people.

We ended the picket early due to the heat and humidity. Thank you all for your hospitality as usual and the enjoyable company on a very warm day. See you again soon.

Kim P