Lisa McPherson's baby-watch logs

The logs were released in the summer of 1997 on orders from the judge hearing the McPherson estate's lawsuit

FSO 00139

21 Nov 95 12:00 PM. /RUSH/


From: Valerie Demange

Re: Report on Lisa McPherson

Dear Sir,

Lisa slept about 8 hours or more. I arrived on the watch at 1:00 AM and she was sleeping --

She has been waking up for some short period of time (like 15 seconds) and then falling asleep again. She was also talking a lot, mainly saying "Thank you" while sleeping. This morning at about 9:30 AM I got her to take 200 mg of B1, 1000 mg of C vit, 200 mg of potassium and 100 mg of B6. I brought some call mag but she refused to drink it. However she drunk 2 glasses of water and had a large protein drink. Around 11:00 AM she was given some eggs and toast. She ate half a toast and 2 bites of eggs. She was then pretty agitated for about an hour during which time she was talking a lot and crying. What she was saying usually was non sequiture like saying that

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she was going to go somewhere and then laying down on her bed. She told me as well that she has had bad manners and this resulted in bad consequences. She also at some point asked me if someone was behind the door. I made her understand there was nobody and she was fine.

This is all for now.

Ml Valerie Staff Chaplain

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