June 1, 1998

In no particular order, the 63 images of the CCHR/Co$ antics at the recent APA convention are presented. These thumbnails are linked to large JPEG's, average size is 100k.

Higher quality scans are available for those ARSCC(wdne) operatives which have a proven Need To Know (NTK). Applications should be made by posting into alt.religion.scientology.

(Note from Christopher Wood: I'm webbing this; my comments are in parentheses. Note that Wulfen was my anti-Scientology nickname at the time. Anyone wants to mirror this page, be my guest. :) If this page takes too long to load, I'll post the page to alt.binaries.scientology a bit at a time.)

Wulfen is interviewed.

Way to go, Wulfen! I arrived just in time to catch this shot. Unfortunately, I don't have a TeeVee, so I don't know if the interview got aired. Probably not, the media well aware of the litigious nature of the Co$.

(The camera dude is from CTV, one of the two big networks in Canada. This was pretty unexpected, and I'll betcha they didn't show the interview - I didn't give my name, and I did slang the Co$ pretty hard.)


This guy tried to get in Wulfen's face. We had his sorry butt chased away by Convention Centre security.

(Anyone recognize him? Just out of curiosity.)


During the walking-loop phases, the Co$ stationed guards at the end of the loop to make sure everyone knew when to turn...

Note the guy dead-centre (to the right of The Cheerleader) and his cable from his radio to his earphone. Next time I bring a scanner!

The "Rev." Al Buttnor

Head DSA guy at the Toronto Org. Wulfen spotted him in the food court (see other images), probably guarding that access point to the Co$ in the park above.

(He sat there after finishing his lunch for about twenty minutes staring at me. I figured out later that this might have been an attempt to intimidate me.. Well, it obviously didn't work. Of course, he may just have been curious to see what I was copying at the copy store - more Lisa MacPherson flyers.)

The Cheerleader

A convention delegate informed me he had seen this fellow 3 weeks before in Washington, DC. He certainly was having a good time, leading the crowd through endless repetitions of their mantras...

(One of their mantras took a week to get out of my head. No hypnosis in Scientology my ass..)

His final words to the crowd [paraphrased]: "Be sure you clean up after yourselves."

The Crowd

Wide-angle, about 20mm, taken early in the protest.

Anything for a picture. I know how he feels...

The protest went in cycles. The highest frequency mode was the 5-second period chanting which they did while spread out on the sidewalk (see above). Every so often, they would be called back into the central area of the park...

Only to be given New Instructions, and let loose once more!

The People

The Children

The Police.

Card wearing CCHR members.

For who knows what reason, some CCHR types were conveniently wearing wearing their membership... [note red tags around necks]

(Maybe they were the higher-ups in the Orgs? Buttnor had one, but the guy who bugged me didn't. Anyway, it made it easier to mark the Scientologists.)

Misc., Not So Good, and Other pictures.

Included only for future ARSCC(wdne) intelligence purposes.