October 17, 1998

They had alot of people out, and most of the images below are of $cientologists. Andy Hill claimed 15 OT's were present, but I didn't notice anything particularly special -- beyond their juvenile tendencies, except for the fellow in the first picture who seemed downright polite!

Anyways, I think I photographed them all. However, space considerations prevent a full display; I've picked some of the better ones, leaving the rest in my growing file.

Please excuse the scan quality in some cases. I was almost at the end when I noticed the scanner needed a bit of a de-dusting. And I didn't want to spend another 2-3 hours scanning and processing the images.

You can click on any image to view a larger version.

Tobacco use seems to be a defining characteristic of a $cientologist. I think all of them smoke, but of course, I haven't seen all $cientologists, so who knows.

This is a friend of Dan's, name unknown.



Yes, the E-meter is still there!

In the background, you can see the body-thetan display. Though they don't call it that, of course. The cardboard cut-out on the left has a bunch of BT's spinning around its head, and has a pained look on its face. The one on the right is free of the souls of the murdered space aliens, and is naturally happy and content and, if it was not merely a piece of cardboard, in full command of MEST.

Dan gets a parking ticket. Ha ha ha!

The ticket is just visible in the glare on the windshield (the wiper on the right).

I saw him remove the ticket. However, he noticed me seeing him and put it back, allowing me to snap this photograph. Bizarre!

The clown.

This is probably the best portrait I took of her. At least she has a small smile.

The sad, sad, clown handing out "The Way to Happiness".


The video-guy's main mission was to keep Gregg under near constant surveillance.

Ex-clam(?) gets all huffy with Gregg. In the background is Wulfen looking concerned. I was somewhat alaramed as well until the exchange was broken off suddenly by the other guy walking away. Phew!

So what is it with cigarettes and clams??

These two were chatting at the donut shop.

Photographing people against the black background of the org is a real photographic challenge; scene contrast, especially in bright sun, quickly overtakes that which film can record.

This image is an example. Notice how the face and pants are perfectly exposed, but the guy's hair (and clown's hat) is lost in the background.

This can be addressed by using films for wedding photography (where you have the bride in white and the groom in black and the photograph has to have detail on both fabrics). Unfortunately, such film tends to be a bit more expensive, and somewhat slower, than the Super G+ ISO 400/800 I normally use for photojournalism.

The videographer has problems. I guess Hubbard left no instructions on how to use a camcorder??

More clowning around.

Geez. More smoking!

I would have really liked a large reflector to the right of this scene to help illuminate that plaque over their heads. Ah well.

Danny-boy -- he seems to have an emotional age of about 15 -- is the guy in black on the left, trying to bullbait Gregg.

The child seems uncertain. And who wouldn't be with a clown like that??

Mario spontaneously starts modelling the latest in $cientology literature.


Never, ever, insult a photographer.

Never said a word to me; she was helping the clown now and then though. My guess is that she would have made a better clown...

My assailant. So taken with my optics, she grabbed the lenshood and gave it (and me) a little push as she stomped away. I was all upset about this, until I later realized that I had (somehow) pushed one of her buttons; her trespass and assault against me was a high non-confront on her part, a total failure.

One would expect more from a high falutin' OT, eh?

This is one mean, nasty harpie. I think Gregg calls her "Martha".

The sad/happy clown. Looking at this picture (see the larger version), is like listening to fingernails on a blackboard. Or reminds me of some psychology experiment where you are shown pictures of a face that is smiling on one side and frowning on the other.

Max (with sign) and Pepper (with fliers).